Quick question re basal testing.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I need to do some basal testing over the coming days however being 4 I doubt Ben will see the benefit of skipping any meals/snacks to allow me to fine tune his bloods! Basically I won't to know if it's ok to let him have carb free foods ( bacon, chicken) at these times ie stuff I wouldn't usually bolus for?
Ruth x
Hi Ruth , when i first went on pump i was told it was fine to eat carb free food whilst basal testing 🙂
Thanks Jenny - really want to get things fine tuned this week but finding a good time what with nursery, work, and all the other day to day variables it's actually harder than I thought so throw a hungry child into the equation would have been tough!!
Then again I and most other people are told not to eat protien or fat for basal testing.
SF jelly seems to be the only option available.

Can you sneak in basal testing by moving his meals around a bit? As in having a late lunch one day and perhaps early another same with evening meal?
It must be very hard to do basal testing with little ones :(
Yip that makes it tricky! Moving meals wouldn't be too bad but cutting out snacks at same time would be very difficult - he doesn't like jelly but what about if I made ice lollies out of diet drinks , would that be ok? He'd prob think he was getting a treat then! Going to start with nighttime tonight and I imagine it could take a few nights to get it right so gives me a few days to plan my next move.
Then again I and most other people are told not to eat protien or fat for basal testing.:(

Strange isnt it ? i know a lady on dafne who said she lived on cheese when basal testing and the nurse said that was fine !! no wonder people get confused .
Yip that makes it tricky! Moving meals wouldn't be too bad but cutting out snacks at same time would be very difficult - he doesn't like jelly but what about if I made ice lollies out of diet drinks , would that be ok? He'd prob think he was getting a treat then! Going to start with nighttime tonight and I imagine it could take a few nights to get it right so gives me a few days to plan my next move.

Yes sugar free ice lollies are fine are fine 🙂 Have you seen the SF ice pops in the super market? Scooby Doo no less :D (there speaks the big kid)

Strange isnt it ? i know a lady on dafne who said she lived on cheese when basal testing and the nurse said that was fine !! no wonder people get confused .
The reason they say skip food altogether is because many people need insulin for protien meals.
It's a long shot Jenny but when you tested your basals did you eat protien instead of carbs? Thus your basal is artificialy high now and the reason for all your hypos? Worth thinking about.
Oh what supermarket are they in sue - scooby doo is his favourite thing in the world - he would happily have them all day!!
Oh what supermarket are they in sue - scooby doo is his favourite thing in the world - he would happily have them all day!!

I've seen them in morrisons as well as sainsburys sp* 🙂 If you can't find any give me a shout and next time I go shopping I will buy some and send you them.
Thank you so much sue. Will check morrisons tomorrow. 🙂
Thank you so much sue. Will check morrisons tomorrow. 🙂

I have just looked on line for the carb info on them SF seems to mean glucose syrup 😡 so it's a about 1.4 carbs a pop. So the advert is a con.
Ah well guess they're out for the basal testing but still a great wee treat for him.
I think John Walsh says 'small amounts' of protein/fat snacks (nuts cheese) are OK, but as Sue suggests there is a degree to which protein and fat are converted to glucose (albeit slower than carbs).
Ok thanks. Will try and see if we can have a long lie tom and skip breakfast and morning snack - that's the trickiest time of day to get things right for us so I really want to get it right - will see how we go!
Hi Ruth, I have bought them in Asda too!! Good luck finding them.😛
Great. Will trawl the supermarkets tomorrow - sometimes its the little things that make he difference!! X
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