Quick question, i hope (plus some scared-ness)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello all

I'll get the question out of the way first...At waht level does your Hyperglycemia warrant an a trip to A&E?

Firstly, i guess this isn't going to be an answer that the type 1s can answer, but i could be wrong.

Reason being is that that my blood sugar levels have been sky high for about a week, and getting worse. Tuesday last week i was worried because i was peaking at around 15, and i was thinking, oh, it's just a spike, as long as it goes down again it'll be ok...however 2 hours after lunchtime metformin dose and i was at 28....Something is wrong, i know.....I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow PM, but i expect he'll just send me away to get an Hba1c done. My last Hba1c (about six months ago) didn't show up any peaks at all, coming in somewhere in the lower 6s. I'm also going to diabetes drop in at the hospital tomorrow, because i've more faith in them than my GP.
Should i be going to a&e instead? 28 is higher than i was when i was diagnosed.

I know i've been fairly positive of late (i thought it was all going so well!) and this sudden shooting upwards is frightening me, i don't know what effect it's going to have on my long term health. I've been fairly good, i could be better (i can always be better....), i was coping ok, why's it all gone wrong? I feel like i'm back where i started again two years on, and all the effort was for nothing....or that i've done something horribly wrong. WHY MEEEEEE!!!!!!! Why did i get to have to get the stupid not-being-able-to-eat-anything-she-likes-coz-it'll-make-her-ill disease!???? (I know, it's the genes, bad luck and the fact i hate sports....)

Scared, angry and guilt-tripping again...

Wow Rachel, that is high and it does suggest that either you need more or different meds now or you're ill with a bug, or the meter is playing up. Do you have any control solution to check with? How do you actually feel? I'm really not sure what I would do because I've not been anywhere near that since diagnosis. I know that quite a few here have occasional numbers up around those levels and get through it to better numbers after a while.

Hope someone can come along and give you better advice, and that things improve.
Hi Rachel.

From a type 1 perspective, I have been 28 on a few occasions in the past and, although I've felt pretty spaced, I would inject and wait for it to come down to a better level.

Obviously you can't do that so not much use.

Dumb questions. Are you sure your meter is correct ?
Are you stressed or ill at all ? Both will shoot your BG up.

You could go to A&E with some evidence of your meds and maybe they could give you some insulin to bring you down.

Checked the meter with control solution and switched pack of strips, so that's not it. Not ill, no more stressed than usual... Just lethargic and very thirsty (oh how i remember that feeling so well....grump....), i think i fell asleep at work again to day (it's alright, i wasn't actually dispensing or checking at the time). Work is busy, everybody is on holiday (it's half term and they all have kids...luckily some of them are too small to go to school yet) or ill, but that's life at the moment. My Grandad is sorted out (well, as sorted as he's ever going to be) in a nursing home...i'm really only stressed because my blood sugar is so ridiculously high.
Difficult to advise but if you can drive safely or have someone to take you, I would consider going to A&E to put your mind at ease.

Us lot on insulin always have the option of bringing down the highs but it must be awful to just watch your BG climbing.

Be aware also that your thoughts may not be as rational as they could be with very high BG. Or try NHS direct as an interim. No idea of number !

Nah, it's walk walk or walk, and since i'm going that way in the morning anyway (i actually work under a and e), i'll see what the clinic say in the morning. Thanks for the advice

Hope you manage to sleep and you don't have to get up too often. Keep your fluids up and other advice that you already know !

Let us know the outcome. It's an interesting dilemma to have at midnight. 🙄

Keep safe.

Diabetes drop in at the hospital sound like a good idea. hope you're Ok - let us know how you get on.
I reckon you'll get more appropriate help from diabetes drop in clinic than A&E. I might have type 1 diabetes, but have worked in several A&E departments, and know there's not much that would be done for a type 2 diabetic with high blood sugar levels, but normal consciousness. Drop in clinic sounds a great resource - I'm not sure how many hospitals have them.
A little late now Rachel, but I would go to A & E if my levels were consistently high and unable to bring them down. They will normally administer meds to immediately reduce the high bg, and may possibly make a appointment for you to be seen in the hospital diabetes clinic asap. Hope you feel better today!
Ive had a few high readings ,, found out that if i drink wine , have crisps , too much potato or bread thats enough to do it .
When i was first diagnosed i had over 30 readings , id been going to docs feeling unwell , telling them i was sleepy , thirsty and losing weight , took them 6 months to finally get results to me, overnight after havng blood tests i had emergancy appointment with doc , was a complete shock , and was told to go to hospital if my reading went to 32 .. luckily it was caught in time , but i sort of lost faith in my docs ,,, dont wait around if it gets too high 🙂
Thanks for the support folks!

I'm fine thanks! Drop in centre was brilliant, i can't begin to say how great DSN Eileen has been, she's reassured me that i'm not likely to be admitted to the wards (no ketones...whoopie!), but she's recommended that i up my metformin dose and keep testing (she's even written to my GP to persuade him to prescribe them for me) and she'll see me again on Friday. Not sure what's caused the sudden loss of control, but heck, you gotta do what you gotta do i guess. My GP was also suprisingly helpful, he's sent me for an Hba1c and some Gliclazide mr,( and he said it's not my fault, which is the first time ever he's said anything like that in the two years i've known him, he must have been on a course or something) and told me to go back and see him on Monday. The only problem is that S.....drugs have lost (well, either them or the surgery) my last repeat for Metformin, so they said go back on thursday...unfortunately i've got to make up all this time at work, which i'm not happy about, and i'm concerned about sickness proceedure....I can see me being dragged to occy health after four days off work sick in a year
"Rachel....how do you think you can improve your attendance then?"
"Weelllll......I could try being less diabetic....unless you have a cure? Ah Thought not..."
I've got to take annual leave to have a retinal scan? great.....
Still, best of all my pre-dinner blood reading was 7.8, first time i've seen it drop below ten for over a week...Whatever nurse Eileen did, it worked.

That's great news Rachel 🙂 Not about the mess up with the prescription though :( Glad you're safe and things are improving - must have been Eileen's angel dust!
Excellent news Rachel. Could you tell superdrug to deliver your prescription to your home or work since they lost it ?

Glad you're getting sorted and that your GP is treating you as a human. It shouldn't be exceptional but it often is.🙄

I was diagnosed as a type 2 and am still not yet on insulin but was sent to hospital by my GP when my level was 25 and I was kept in for 5 days to be monitored. I've been told by my Consultant that when I reach 10 three days in a row as a morning reading he will put me on insulin. Not sure this helps but it's all I could think of.

Look after yourself and let us know how you go on, sending virtual hugs,

(Sorry just seen your post above - glad you are getting the support you need. F.)
...unfortunately i've got to make up all this time at work, which i'm not happy about, and i'm concerned about sickness proceedure....I can see me being dragged to occy health after four days off work sick in a year
"Rachel....how do you think you can improve your attendance then?"
"Weelllll......I could try being less diabetic....unless you have a cure? Ah Thought not..."
I've got to take annual leave to have a retinal scan? great.....


Might be worth giving DUK a call about your rights here disability discrimination? And perhaps join a union?

Glad all went well and you feel more supported 🙂
Might be worth giving DUK a call about your rights here disability discrimination? And perhaps join a union?

I agree. I won't profess to know anything about the law, but I think your employer has an obligation if you have a long-term health condition. You shouldn't need to take annual leave for appointments. I would definitely look into this further.

Anyway, very glad to hear you got a good response from DSN & doc. Hopefully the increased meds will do the trick.
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