quick - new potatoes?!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
so, i picked up a 500g bag of new pots in tesco yday for just 12p.

i'm currently boiling about 300g of them (i will weight the remainder when i go down again to check exactly how much i have cooking atm). i will probably, but not definitely, mash them when they are cooked.

i remember that new potatoes are one of those weird foods - what would be your recommendation in terms of bolusing for them? i am on novorapid, MDIs. i know none of you are doctors but i would appreciate advice from you guys!

i've had a look in my DAFNE carb book, it says 1CP for every 60g of mash (and 1.5 for every 100g). normally i would bolus 1 unit of novorapid for every CP, but normally my CPs are 10g.

i guess i'm just wondering if i should bolus before i eat/when i eat/leave it a while kind of thing.

any thoughts?
why mash new potatoes?!?

Not sure why you'd mash new pototoes?!? They're best eaten whole or in pieces - older potatoes are more suitable for mashing. But that's more of a cookery than a carbohydrate management comment.
New pots- 16g per 100g. They digest quickly so give yourself your bolus 5 or10minutes before you eat!🙂Bev
copepod - first time i've ever mashed new pots :D we have absolutely nothing else to eat, bar pasta, a korma sauce and some cheese. we're going away on tues so don't want to do any more food shopping!
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