Quick few qs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all

Most of you probably know that I am about to request to go onto a pump. I am the first to admit I don't have a strong case, but there are a few fairly big issues I'm having with MDI.

So, I have a couple of questions for the pumpers.

1) One BIG problem I have is the length of time after injecting that Novorapid actually begins to work. I've found that it won't begin reducing my levels until over an hour after I've injected. On several occasions I have tested this out by injecting and waiting longer and longer until eating - 1 hour is the most I'm comfortable with waiting, but as you can imagine - this means I need to plan exactly when I'm going to eat and what. Kind of the opposite of what MDI is designed to do. I obviously don't take much issue with waiting say 10 or 15 minutes - let's face it most meals take longer than that to cook - but an hour? It's just a bit frustrating.

- so, have you found that your bolus insulin literally 'gets in' quicker than when you were on MDI?

...actually for the moment that's my only question. I'll have plenty more over the next few weeks! Off to see the DSN on Tuesday, who knows about me and has said she is willing to help me in my quest, then to see the consultant himself on July 1st, who apparently is pro-pump.

Any thoughts, advice, stories etc would be great!

edited to say: I rotate my injections through my arms, right thigh, stomach and love handles(oh what a lovely term)/sides/as far round as I can reach in that area. And within those sites, I rotate. I've always always always had big problems with lipohypertrophy - I don't get hard lumps, but I get very big raised areas wherever I inject. I avoid the obvious ones (such as on my thighs, which are noticeable when pointed out through clothing), but I'm finding that EVERYWHERE is slowly becoming part of thes raised areas. Obviously it's going to be messing around with my absorbancy (is that a word?!) rates, hence the avoidance of the worst areas.
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Hi there, I 'm probably not the best person to answer this just yet as I'm still very new to pumping. I'm still fine tuning my basal rates, so not sure if my reduction post meal is solely due to my bolus or influenced somewhat by my basal doses. I'm sure some of the balanced longer standing pumpers will be able to advise you on this soon. I know my active insulin time is four hours but on MDI it would hang around longer and be very inconsistent. So I guess the answer is yes as its delivered in pulses.

Can't remember if you've used CGM re your pre pump request or not. When I did, it showed up lots of things I didn't know and couldn't possibly have known about my control on MDI. This may be a way to test/ prove your theory about your bolus kick in time to your team, and strengthen your case.
Hi there, I 'm probably not the best person to answer this just yet as I'm still very new to pumping. I'm still fine tuning my basal rates, so not sure if my reduction post meal is solely due to my bolus or influenced somewhat by my basal doses. I'm sure some of the balanced longer standing pumpers will be able to advise you on this soon. I know my active insulin time is four hours but on MDI it would hang around longer and be very inconsistent. So I guess the answer is yes as its delivered in pulses.

Can't remember if you've used CGM re your pre pump request or not. When I did, it showed up lots of things I didn't know and couldn't possibly have known about my control on MDI. This may be a way to test/ prove your theory about your bolus kick in time to your team, and strengthen your case.

Thanks. I am definitely going to request to borrow a CGM, just so I can see what the heck is going on post meal.
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