quick chat

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Thats what we are here for , hows things been?
Me too - not tired yet.. Suffering from an almost overwhelming desire for crisps and chocolate... 😱

Duty try the pub often peeps in there open for all sorts, I'm off myself for now, catch you next time.
I'm going to bed now too, but might be back if I can't sleep lol x
im struggling big time trying to cut out sugary things all i keep being told is carrot sticks i want chocolate blue berry muffins
im struggling big time trying to cut out sugary things all i keep being told is carrot sticks i want chocolate blue berry muffins

You dont have to cut them out totally that would be to hard you only need to moderate it may be hard at first as at first you will want to have more but if you have a little section in your fridge maybe and fill a bag up with little mini bard of choccie and have 1 maybe when you feel like a snack, do you like nuts there a good snack to?
im struggling big time trying to cut out sugary things all i keep being told is carrot sticks i want chocolate blue berry muffins

Watch out for those carrot sticks.. many moons ago when I was on a Scottish Slimmers diet and obsessed about food, I almost ate M & S out of carrot sticks - I kinda developed a bit of a habit.. Things came to a head when I went to the doctor for an unrelated matter and she told me to ease off the carrots as I was turning orange! Seems I was ingesting more carotene than my body could cope with!! :D:D
And carrot sticks are all very well but they're a naff substitute for a chocolate muffin... I understand. I've pretty much substituted scones and nuts for everything (although the occasional packet of crisps get through sometimes...). If that's too much you could try making, or getting someone to make you, muffins with fruit in them using a sugar substitute. A bit of chocolate in them every so now and then won't hurt either.
sorry four the slow response still getting used to computers typing one finger posting items putting them in the wrong place etc struggling big time with diet cant get into a routine with tablets its not helping having to back to work plus the wifes broken arm but im sure there are a lot of people more worse of then me
any one want a chat cant sleep

Another one can't sleep? I'm just off to bed now - got to get up early but once i get browsing on the site i just can't help looking round all the recent posts for ages. Been type 1 25 years and really glad to have found this site. It's good to know there are many others in a similar situation. Diabetes has been a very lonely place at times over the years.

Anyway, you know how important sleep is, don't stay up too late now!

im struggling big time trying to cut out sugary things all i keep being told is carrot sticks i want chocolate blue berry muffins

Welcome to the forum.

The odd chocolate muffin wont hurt. If we had to give up all the tings we liked we would go crazy. In a balanced diet there is room for everything so no food is a sin. Inact in the office I work in the standing joke is beer and chocolate are health foods as they make us feel better. Three of us are diabetic!

When you getthe munchies try to keep things like nuts and fruit handy. Celery and peanut butter are nice too.

I hope you managed to get some sleep.
wish i could got pancreas trouble no ale

hi there duty i am the same cant drink as well cause of the old pancreas i have been teetotal for over 10 years and i am only 30 years old
am i right in saying that you had a operation on your pancreas ?
cause i did 10 years ago i am now on insulin {mdi} and creon
please feel free to private message me any time hope you got some sleep
twinnie aka vickie xxxx
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