Questions for insomniacs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am not insomniac but my boyfriend is, and every time he sits up, lies back, goes to the bathroom or fidgets around in bed it wakes me. So anyway here are the questions:

1. If you do not get enough sleep as a type 1 does this make your blood sugars rise? Mine was high this morning after very little sleep last night.

2. Does anyone have any home remedies which could help my bf get to sleep?
I suffer from it from time to time. If I give up and get up very early then my levels do appear to rise more than usual during the morning - I suspect my liver gets confused and isn't able to behave as it might normally do during sleep. Has he tried one of the herbal remedies like Nytol? It used to work for me, although I daren't take anything since diagnosis because I live alone and wouldn't want a night hypo to pass unnoticed if I was sedated in any way.
Thanks Northerner. I see there are several varieties of Nytol available, which do you reccommend?
Thanks Northerner. I see there are several varieties of Nytol available, which do you reccommend?

I only ever tried the ordinary caplets, so can only vouch for them. If he's on medication for anything, probably worth asking the pharmacist if there might be any clash 🙂
Hi Lizzie.

I seem to be having difficulty sleeping recently due to various stresses (real and imagined!) which are disturbing me and my girlfriend's sleep.

I've found in the past that for 2 or 3 nights it doesn't affect my BS but after a while I'll have a day where my body wants to shut down and my BS stays low.

The highs may be as Northerner suggests that your liver is kicking out extra glycogen or maybe it's a general stress reaction. I found when I've had exams, etc that my BS shoots up without explanation.

A hot bath is meant to help sleeping but you have to allow the body to cool down before going to bed since it's the cooling after the warmth that makes you sleepy apparently. I plan to try this tonight. 🙂

I have suffered bouts of insomnia all my life and rarely sleep through the night without waking at least twice. I have difficulty getting off to sleep at all and have learned a Yoga technique which helps me relax:

Lie flat on your bed with your arms straight at your sides and slowly tense up each muscle of your body starting at your feet and working up to your head. Hold the tension for a count of 10 and then slowly relax from your head down to your toes.

I find if I do this it relaxes tense muscles really well and I am able to drop off... Always supposing the tinnitus isn't too loud that is. I also have a Lavender pillow and find the scent very calming.
Hi If anybody comes up with a tried and trusted remedy, I WOULD LOVE TO TRY IT from Sheena( another bad sleeper):(:(:(:(
cat adversely affecting sleep & blood sugar

Never had a problem with lack of sleep causing abnormal blood sugars ... until last night. I went to bed before my partner, and cat decided to come into our room, through window (which I thought was shut enough so she couldn't get through the gap) and onto windowsill. I tried clicking fingers and encouraging her to come back, but no response. So, went downstairs for box of crunchies to shake, which usually gets her out of cupboards we want to shut etc. However, as I entered the room, I saw he slip off the windowsill. Couldn't see her out of window or on sloping porch roof, went downstairs to see where she'd got to. I saw a similar looking cat sitting on drive, so assumed it was her, as it was dark. At this point, partner started being helpful and as he was still dressed, went outside to see where she was. He spotted her on the sloping roof, so went to fetch ladder and soon returned indoors with cat, who I took into kitchen so she couldn't escape again. Partner returned indoors with ladder. I made a fuss of cat, as we always do when she comes back indoors, then went to bed. Immediately felt hyperglycaemic, so checked 18.x, having been 7.x at bedtime an hour earlier. So, correction dose of short acting insulin. Took ages to get back to sleep, though. Slept fine until partner had to get up at 0530 for work trip!

Generally, I find a warm milky drink eg decaf coffee mid evening and a warm shower or bath before bed helps me get to sleep. In theory, and I find in practice, a routine helps. Plus physical exercise every day, but not too close to bedtime.
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