Questions for DSN

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok tomorrow I get to see my DSN again.

What do I need to know/ask? I have a small list with keytones,HBA1c, carbs and courses for diabetics.
But is there anything else? I am also seeing a dietician at this meeting. His previous advice was not to read labels but what should he be teaching me/ helping me to learn.
I really dont want this opportunity wasted. So I intend to find the hospitals complaints procedure while there and use it, regarding appointments, and how they are no longer managed on site by the people that have to follow them.

But it's questions for the DSN i'm now stuck on HELP please, please help
1. Does having diabetes mean that I am at higher risk for other medical problems?

2. Should I start seeing other doctors regularly, such as an eye doctor?

3. How often should I test my blood sugar and what should I do if it is too high or too low?

4. Are there any new medications that could be used to help manage my diabetes?

5. Does diabetes mean I have to stop eating the foods I like best?

6. How can exercise make a difference in my diabetes?

7. If I'm overweight, how many pounds do I have to lose to make a difference in my health?

8. Are my children at increased risk for the disease?

9. What is the importance of diet in diabetes?

10. Do I need to take my medications even on days that I feel fine?

hope some of those are of use.
How long is your appointment? Because it seems you have got quite alot there so far. You don't want to be bombarded with information that you can't take in.

What about when you should be testing and how you use that information.

Can you write down your results so you have something to show her so she can make some suggestions. have you tested the past couple of days? something is better than nothing. And the doses that you have been taking.

Also get a direct line number so that you can call with any questions between appointments. or an email address if that is avaliable.
if you can take in a recorder thing like reports etc use so you can listen to the answers over and over again incase you miss anything
Thanks for all the replies so far, please keep them coming though as I want to leave the appointment as an expert.

great about the eye test steff I hadn't got that down.:D
got a good selection there Ypauly good luck and let us know how it goes and if you need any translating ?
got a good selection there Ypauly good luck and let us know how it goes and if you need any translating ?

will do, I am quite excited (well almost) I think it will be the hardest session she has ever had lol
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