Questionnaire/Survey for Pumpers

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Thanks Ingrid ! I put down cartridge change down to about 2mins all done 😉
Ooh I'm impressed! Way to go for me then, but then I did do a battery change at the same time this a.m. and somehow managed to end up with the same old battery back in the compartment??? Couldn't figure why it was also showing only 2 bars. Took it out, checked levels on battery meter, and realised I must've put old one back in & new one still lying on sofa. But I still think a cartridge change takes me several mins...must time myself next time.
I have only got some sight in one eye, none in the other thanks to proliferative retinopathy and it takes me a good 10-15 minutes to change my cartridge using a magnifier and light to make sure all the bubbles are removed. I think my results will be the statistical outlier that the survey discounts else they will think I am seriously clumsy!!
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