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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I work as a community support worker & always on the move as a walker, my question is.... As i've not got access to any hot water at times i carry hand gel, will this effect my BS Levels while testing i asked in the chemist but said just wash it off.... derrrrrrr thats my point i'm not near hot water all the time to wash my hands. I'm asumming the test will have some effect as a hand gel is only masking the dirt/bactaria.
I am trying to balance out my food as i am continually active from early morning till 10.30pm most days, i have to sort something out as what food i am eating to build energy it is automaticly being burnt off surely.
Can anyone answer this plz.
I don't have an answer, but could you do a few tests yourself at home? One with hand gel and one without? You may need to do this two or three times to even out any meter errors.


p.s. I don't suppose the hand gel mentions any carb content does it?! :D
good point Andy never thought of that 🙂
Actually, thinking about it a bit more, there is always the danger of your hands not being properly clean when you're out and about (even after using the hand gel) and so you'll need to take a bad reading with a pinch of salt anyway.

(so I guess that I did have an answer?)

Andy 🙂
Lol thats what i was saying about hand gel masking the dirt/bactaria. lol
I don't think the problem would be with general dirt and bacteria. You may simply have touched something where someone had previously put their jam smothered hands! :D

No amount of hand gel will clean THAT off. It'll just spread it around a bit! 😱

I carry a pack of wipes with me. Most wipes seem to get dirt and stickiness off my hands, but don't know if it will affect meter readings as I wash my hands as soon as I can get to hot water anyway. Not sure if that is much help, but it is another idea.
My DSN suggested filling an old test strip pot with a little water to use to wash the finger when you test if you're not near water, don't know if that's practical for you??
I have to say, I'm very bad and test without washing when out walking or running.
Normally its fine and I do it quite a lot (though perhaps I'm a bit complacent)
Only once has it caused a problem. It was at the end of a marathon. I wasn't really fully compos mentis but thought to test. Meter said 12 and was really confused about why and whether to correct. My daughter was far more sensible and produced a baby wipe, retest and hypo not hyper. All the dextrose tablets had left their mark
cant say anything on the food front but im the same as caroline ive started carrying a packet of handy wipes with me at all times and use hot water and soap when near a tap
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