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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
just had hab1c test. it says normal 41. before this ages ages it was 42 abnormal on records. is 41 pre diabetis as gp never mentioned anything
Anything below 42 is classed as normal, 42 - 47 is pre-diabetic and 48 and over is diabetic. You must be doing something right to have reduced your blood glucose to "normal" levels!
Anything below 42 is classed as normal, 42 - 47 is pre-diabetic and 48 and over is diabetic. You must be doing something right to have reduced your blood glucose to "normal" levels!
i was pre once. on 5 April. i was 38 so now 41. i admit to eating too many hot x buns and pastries. rarely bread or pasta. so it looks like i have to watch it as ita crept up. i know its not high but i ate a small dinnr then 2 pastries. 2 hrs later it was 12. i thought it should be less than 9 after 2 hra. it was 6 in the morning .thankyou doctor cant talk to hardly hence here asking
also i have high bp ans overweight a bit . 10 st was 9 stone . i find it hard to stop cravings
they dont usually test iften but as was overweight i had a private one in april 23 hence 38 but on an a.d whuch isnt helping weight. no idea how to lose weight. and stop cravings
The good news about cravings is that if you don't eat carbs for a week or two, the cravings disappear. I was a complete carb monster, mostly bread and potatoes. In fact my perfect meal was a chip butty. It took about 10 days I think, just taking one day at a time. If you stop and look at the whole picture, it's too enormous to contemplate so you need to do it in small chunks.
thankyou gonns be hard but ill try . its the cakes and pastries for me.and if i do get given chocs ill eat them all rarely biscuits . its like im hungry again nothing sweet in cupboard damn. so i go and buy some like a fix lol
thankyou gonns be hard but ill try . its the cakes and pastries for me.and if i do get given chocs ill eat them all rarely biscuits . its like im hungry again nothing sweet in cupboard damn. so i go and buy some like a fix lol
If you are into baking then there are some low carb recipes for cakes and biscuits as well as lots of other low carb meals on the website sugarfreelondoner.
The more you reduce the sweet foods your tastes will change and many things will just taste tooo sweet.
i know im doing everything wrong ..and then suffer so my fault . got so fed up with it after 7 years and ppis make worse. just bought a new book as no g.i or gp has ever told me what to eat ir not just no coffee. no googling back rhen. i did stop eating them them but salad is as bad. i never eat ham bacon cheese yogs cicunut yogs or much fruit. im gonna have to start again.
ive just had 2 major leg ops abd had to rely on ready meals..i am and always have been an awful cook i hate it..i live alone 74 and have no friends just one i see hobbies due to depression and other health issues caused by gps. some people with gastritis actually do keto and say they feel better but I agree no cake or pastries saturated bad fat. even a banana or porridge starts stomach off. cake doesnt but its sugar. thankyou all for input
ive just had 2 major leg ops abd had to rely on ready meals..i am and always have been an awful cook i hate it..i live alone 74 and have no friends just one i see hobbies due to depression and other health issues caused by gps. some people with gastritis actually do keto and say they feel better but I agree no cake or pastries saturated bad fat. even a banana or porridge starts stomach off. cake doesnt but its sugar. thankyou all for input
Do you take any medication for your gastritis as with some appropriate medication for that it might help with being able to make some better food choices.
If you are reliant on ready meals then some but not all of the Slimming World meals are not too bad.
You may find that live yogurt will help rebalance your gut bacteria and help with the gastritis.
no ppis i took long time now none work . just famotidine and gavisoon at night. i tried ppi again but made it worse. its so hard many are the same .thank you
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