question to T2's re diet/excercise control and meds

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have a question for T2's out there who would be kind enough to reply back to me. The question is to T2's who started off on diet/exercise control and now take medication. What i would like to know is how long was it before you went on medication? my DN has given me 6 months to maybe 2 years at the most before she thinks i would need medication but i would love to prove her wrong and not have to for a few years yet as i have heard of some who have managed D/E control for years but is this quite rare?
I have a question for T2's out there who would be kind enough to reply back to me. The question is to T2's who started off on diet/exercise control and now take medication. What i would like to know is how long was it before you went on medication? my DN has given me 6 months to maybe 2 years at the most before she thinks i would need medication but i would love to prove her wrong and not have to for a few years yet as i have heard of some who have managed D/E control for years but is this quite rare?

Hi Carina I was put onto metformin after about 6-7 weeks i did not want to go onto pills but i was left with no help no nothing to help me with d/e so alot of reluctance but went on them preety soon.Hope you do prove her wrong Carina would be lovely to hear a sucsess story.x
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My uncle is T2 D/E controlled and has been for over 10 years.

I'm T2 D/E controlled, diagnosed less than a year so not really relevant to your query, but my fasting level was higher than yours when first diagnosed as was my HbA1c. Now down to 5.5% and no reason that I can see not to keep it in the 5s indefinitely, without meds - that's the plan anyway. Whether or not my body will cooperate with my plan is another matter though, but I'm hopeful.
Hi Carina,
I have been diet and exercise controlled for seven and a half years. It is a hard slog to make sure that you eat the right things and there are times when I would really like to eat the same as others. A lot depends on you and your insulin resistance, being able to cope with stress, something we all get from time to time and making sure you keep exercising. I don't mean you have to belong to a gym, just walking, gardening etc. I do tai chi and that really helps me relax. I also treat myself to a massage now and again and I do not worry about the things I cannot change. Taking a holistic approach seems to work for me. I don't know how long this will continue but I am having a good try.

Hope this helps,

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