QUESTION to all the carb counters

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know a lot of you are carb counting.

As a T2 on insulin and Metformin slow release - there has been no real instruction as to carbs from the medics

My question is - to the carb counters, what is the usual amount of carbs you take daily? I have been scouring the Collins Gem Carb Counter and I am shocked about he amount of carbs I am actually take, despite what I thought was a healthy diet.

I hope you can help, thanks.

i know tez mentioned this the other day. I think the amount of suggested/allowed carbs for a non d person is something like 230g
the amount of suggested/allowed carbs for a non d person is something like 230g

The amount is 300g of carbs. Of that no more than 100 should be sugars as I recall.

For me I have a carb heavy diet, I can easily take on two to three hundred grammes of carbs a day and sometimes more than that.

The amount is 300g of carbs. Of that no more than 100 should be sugars as I recall.

For me I have a carb heavy diet, I can easily take on two to three hundred grammes of carbs a day and sometimes more than that.


i should have added, think...for a female.
I think as with everything you can read (and this is why I barely do) advice ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous! Some days I have as little as 50grams or less, others over 200 I think the best thing to do is to be aware of how many carbs you are consuming and maybe reduce your intake and see how things go, I guess I'm saying don't be strict on exact amounts be flexible and see how it works out, anyway best of luck.
Thank you all for taking time to answer my questions.

I think I will take a week at a time and just monitor what's what, but already I am aware of taking less insulin with meals

Thanks again


What I am about to say are my thoughts and I have no evidence to back it up.... So...

230 grammes is the recommended daily allowance I found on packets in the supermarket. So I guess that what the supermarkets are saying is that if you have not more than 230 grammes a day an normal person should be OK and I guess not gain weight.

So when I started writing down everything I ate and drank I discovered I was way over the 230 grammes to begin with.

So I assumed I was sticking too much in the cake hole! I backed off till I got to about 230 ish. Once I got used to eating a normal amount of carbs (instead of the excess I was having before) and doing at least 30 minutes exercise the weight started to come down.

So that's what has worked for me and I'm not telling anyone to do it. People can learn from the experiences of others.

I am very gently cutting down the carbs till I get to my ideal weight.
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Hi Tez

I would like to say thanks for your message, it is what I should be doing even as a non D person and having it written makes it very clear. 🙂
I am probably not eating enough carbs per meal but the amount which keeps my BS level to about 7.8, 2 hour post-meal is about 30 - 40g per meal, any higher and i'm not happy with my level although i am experimenting all the time and add a little more each time but if 230g or so is the RDA i wouldn't be able to consume that amount without my BS levels going high, i'm also trying to lose weight and have quite a long way to go before i get to goal weight. I do sometimes worry that i'm not eating enough carbs but my priority is to keep the BS level to acceptable levels for me. Hope this helps
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