Question re Metformin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know many of you have had problems with metformin when you first started taking it and for some those problems have settled down on the slow release version.

My problem is different. I started metformin back in November 2007 and had no real problems other than constipation which eventually settled. However, over the past 4-6 weeks I've started getting really awful flatulence and general tummy upsets.

I've not changed my diet since re-adjusting carb intake in March and I reduced my gliclazide 10 weeks ago with a resulting slight increase in my fasting blood glucose levels (averaging out about 5.8mmol rather than 5.4) versus a significant drop in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes. I've now got within the normal BMI range and exercise regularly - but again my efforts on that have not changed in the same timescale

My "logic" tells me that it may be the metformin for some reason but before I troll off to the doctors I thought I'd see if anyone else on here had experienced similar problems or had some suggestions

Many thanks
Hi Vanessa,

I've had a terrible time on Metformin, to the point I actually stopped taking them for a week to see if it was causing the side effects.

I told my doctor and now I take Prolonged Release (or slow release or modified release) Metformin. Mine are called Bolamyn SR.

The side effects are far less now.

Hope this helps.
Not everyone gets the side effects immediately. Has your dose increased? If it doesn't settle in a few days talk to the doctor and see if you can have slow release. the change in your weight and diet my have some effect on the way the metformin acts, but it is always wise to seek medical advice. If you can't get a quick appointment withthe doctor. speak tot he pharmacist and see if you can get anything to relieve the discomfort.
Beginner's Question. I've only been taking the stuff for a day or two but I'm having some plumbing problems. I'm not sure if it's the pills or the diabetes affecting me but this is a new problem. Are side effects likely to kick in than that quickly? What's your experience been?

Aside from that I'm feeling a bit more positive today. I managed to get some sleep which helps a lot.
Side effects can cut in quickly.

It's best with Metformin to start on a low dose and wok your way up as you overcome the side effects.

I've had mild side effects in the past, but put up with it and now don't have any problems. My wife (who takes it for PCOS) on the other hand can't tolerate it at all and even has problems with the slow release versions.
One thing I would say about Metformin is that when I reduced my fat and carb intake the problems eased off.

I'm working on getting the fat and carbs even lower until I find a happy medium. I must stress I discussed this with my doctor first!
could you be getting a different brand of metformin? because pharmacies change the brand they dispense for reasons like cost, etc.
Thanks for the info. The pills I have are from a company called Relon Chem and I'm currently on three half tabs a day, which adds up to 750mg in total. Plus half an 80mg Gliclazide per day. I seem to have a very good medical team and they're being very patient with all my newbie questions.
Glad you have good medical team Alison. Thinking about it, my main problems happen when pharmacies change brands and things take time to settle down again.

It is your health, so if you have problems always go and see the doctor or the nurse.

I'm told imodium is safe to take, but to make sure it is OK for you first.
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