Question re dosage

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys

as you may have gathered im still fighting my doses to get the right one and ive noticed every morning by bloods are slightly raised last 5 have been:-
14.3, 16.1, 11.2, 11.7 and today 16.1.

Im trying to work out which is best to change to correct it would you up my levemir at night from 15 to 17? and if so would i also up my morning levemir or keep that at 15.
do i increase my teatime ratio of novo from 1cp:2unit upto 1cp:2.5units


Not sure which is best - I have a dafne follow up next week but still want to try and make an effort for them to come down.
They level out during the day into 5-7 range and then after i eat at night are also slightly raised before bed which makes me lean more to changing my novo dose.

Any advice would be appreciated :D
Hi Emzi,

To me it sounds like you aren't getting enough of you basal insulin (lantus/levemir). The other scenario which happened to me on MDI was I hypo'd over night due to too much basal insulin and then rebounded. What would be best is if you were to do some tests at three in the morning to see if you're hypo or not. If you're high then that's the sign you need to up your dose.

Providing you are sure the morning readings are not due to night-time hypo's or dawn phenomenon I would increase your levemir by 2 units and test again.
Hi Emma,

My advice would be to test yourself at about 3am, I know it's a pain but worth it, you may well be hypoing during your sleep and waking in the morning not knowing and consequently having high readings, your situation sounds like the same as mine recently, I have since dropped my lantus by 2 units not raised it! If in doubt test,test and test! keep a record of a couple of days and that should show you a pattern......good luck! I hope you discover the answer! 🙂
Thanks guys, i remember them talking about 3am tests on my dafne course!! 🙂

Yep looks like ill be having some 3am tests to see whats happening before altering anything.

I'll keep you posted, Thanks again 🙂
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