Question for type 1.5s

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I have a friend who says she's a 1.5. She first got gestational diabetes, which never went away.

She told me today that she got told off because her HbA1C is too high. She is on fixed units of NovoRapid and Levemir. I suggested she'd ask about carb counting.
So My question is : do any of you type 1.5s carb count? And how is it different from type 1s? I know you still produce some of your insulin, but I don't know anything else.
Just thought of another question. Do you give yourself some Rapid to bring yourself down, when you're "high"?
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I am not a type 1.5 really but I do produce some own insulin so comparable. I carb count and use correction doses to bring down high blood sugars. I find that I am more sensitive and use smaller doses than most type 1's would, but find carb counting really effective. So would think that your friend could try it and see how she gets on.
I'm probably a 1.5 but I went straight onto insulin as I'd left it a bit late before I went to a doctors. At the time a test showed my own insulin production to be very low but I have the distinct impression that I still produce some. This isn't so unusual in type 1, over 50% of the Joslin 50 year medallists have been found to have some residual insulin production.

So I possibly have some insulin of my own and I've not found it a barrier to carb counting /dose adjustment, in fact I now use a pump.
When I was first diagnosed, I was on MDI and told exactly how many carbs to eat for each meal and what dosage to take. I was told to adjust basal and bolus by a unit or so on the basis of the previous couple of days' glucose readings.
I read a lot, and taught myself to carb count/dose adjust, it gave me more flexibility and works well for me.
She could teach herself but she should certainly ask about a course. If not perhaps the BDEC online course would be useful.
Thanks sofaraway and Helen. I really appreciate your answers. I have wondered before why she wasn't carb counting, but didn't want to interfere. But today she was a bit down on herself and told me that she had to go back in one month with a blood reading diary. That's when I suggested she'd ask about the carb counting.

I've done this BDEC course and found it fantastic. I will show it to her and also this site. I think she would benefit greatly.

I will tell her that I've written about her in general terms on here and what you've answered.
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