Question for the pumpers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi ive been on the pump for nearly 10 months now , and still loving it but ...... do you find just when you think you have your basal rates sorted soon after you need to adjust them again ?
Hi ive been on the pump for nearly 10 months now , and still loving it but ...... do you find just when you think you have your basal rates sorted soon after you need to adjust them again ?

Hi Jenny,
that's a big yes from me. My basal changes every week or so. It did this on MDI so didn't expect anything dif on a pump, it's just easier to pin point the changes. Very wearing all the same though :(
I have to agree, once I had the initial rates tuned to perfection I sailed along until 9 months in and then everything needed to be radically changed. I put it down to a honeymoon period that came to an abrupt end! Nothing else in my life had changed at that time but my insulin needs were almost double and continue to be the same :confused: Its taken alot of sorting and I don't feel I'm there yet. HbAlc this week so we will see how it compares to the last one.
Definitely. I can't stand it to be honest with you. At the moment things are pretty peachy for me but post night shifts they are getting a little interesting.
Yep. I've been pumping 10 and a bit months and I find they need fiddling with every now and again. A few weeks ago I was hypoing every evening so changed things, then that all stopped. I know I need to look at my overnight basals at the moment but I am just exhausted from all this diabetes rubbish :(
Phew... at least i know im not alone , tom im with you it is getting me down a bit , dont get me wrong i would be wiothout pump its done wonders for HBA1c but it can be a bit tiresome , i was wondering if it was the brittle diabetes label coming through again but at least i feel rest assured its happening to all us pumpers .
Hi, I thought I was just doing these adjustments with my little one because she is growing so quickly and her insulin needs are changing!

When we first starting pumping I very naievely (sp?) thought after a few weeks of fine tuning that would be it, we would sail along in the knowledge that she would be ticking along ok all other variables considered etc but certainly not been the case and it is very hard work from time to time. Currently having problems with afternoon basals, seeing a rise from mid afternoon to tea time, so currently tackling that which takes time and a bucket load of patience :(.

Call me cynical but I suspect will just get this sorted and something else will change 🙄
Hi, I thought I was just doing these adjustments with my little one because she is growing so quickly and her insulin needs are changing!

When we first starting pumping I very naievely (sp?) thought after a few weeks of fine tuning that would be it, we would sail along in the knowledge that she would be ticking along ok all other variables considered etc but certainly not been the case and it is very hard work from time to time. Currently having problems with afternoon basals, seeing a rise from mid afternoon to tea time, so currently tackling that which takes time and a bucket load of patience :(.

Call me cynical but I suspect will just get this sorted and something else will change 🙄

Unfortunately......that is guaranteed!!
What I've found is that it doesn't pay me to tinker with basal's too quickly..

A couple of times I've noticed basal seems to be out a bit, so sorted it out only to realise that I'm going back to square one after a week or so..

What I do now, if hold off a little longer than I used to, then set up another basal to tinker with keeping my main/old basal still set up.. Over time I've actually found that I've ended up going back to this original basal more often than not!
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