Question for Sporty Types

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I am looking for something for K to wear 'about her person' during PE at school'. Just to keep 3 or 4 glucose tablets in if she had an emergecy. Obviously needs to be not too bulky or sharp - she has the little boxes that you can attach to a key ring or wear round your neck but not really any good for PE. I found these

but I dont know if the glucose would fit inside?

What do you sporty types use?
Does the PE kit have a small pocket any place that may be of use? Hope you find something that will help.
No pockets :(
I always choose clothing with pockets, and have sewed pockets into running kit, but if that's not possible due to uniform restrictions, then I would use a nappy pin to attach a small ziplock bag of jelly babies to inside my waistband.
I've got a Spibelt which I use for running. It's ideal as you don't even know you're wearing it (doesn't move whilst exercising). The pockets are small but expandable - I can carry my jelly babies, meter and insulin pen in mine quite easily. (Don't be put off by the picture - there's no need to carry all that stuff unless you're running a marathon!)
my mum bought N a bumbag, which her teacher takes up to the field or the hall for PE. It holds everything she needs for the day, (insulin, Glucose tablets, test meter) How old is your daughter? Could that be an option
In the past I've made pockets for the inside of sport clothes that don't have them, just a small piece of fabric is needed and it's pretty straightforward. Or you can buy little pouches that attach to shoes or on your arm for runners to carry keys etc so maybe something like that would work?
Thanks for all the ideas folks - K is most interested in the Spibelt as we noticed they do a whole range in diffrent colours tho I'm not sure about pink for school😱
Pidgeon - thanks we have a couple of those gluco cary things - but not keen for her to wear them around her neck during Rugby! She has them attached to her PE kit and swimming bag but she finds them difficult to open and has dropped the glucose on the floor a couple of times. Interesting wrist band on that site though which might be another option.
Agree that sewing would also be an option - but I will have to ask my Mum about that one (hopeless🙄)

Thanks for ideas
when i go out on a bike ride and especially in the summer when i wear shorts with no pockets, I use a money belt, like the ones you take on holiday.
Because they are so flat they fit under clothes easily, even with sweets in them, they have a zip pocket to keep things secure and they also have an adjustable strap so you can wear them as low or as high as you like.
they're also pretty cheap and available at Boots chemist 🙂
Up and Running sells a little thing that you tie onto your trainers. It's big enough for a key so should be big enough for a couple of glucose tablets. Shouldn't get in the way either as it's designed for runners. If you don't have a store near you, you should be able to get it on-line. 🙂
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