Question for pumpers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry if been asked previous but what levels are pumpers happy to go ro bed on? Also if below 6 do you have a snack like advised on mdi?
Even before the pump, I am quite happy to go to bed between 4 and 7.........unless I thought my basal was too much overnight, but its the overnight basal dose that should always be established first before anything else....

I realize though that some people have go in to the habit of being higher or snacking due to fear of overnight hypo......

It is just a fear though......🙂
Sorry if been asked previous but what levels are pumpers happy to go ro bed on? Also if below 6 do you have a snack like advised on mdi?

Hi Brett,
a pump is a precision tool, i.e, dispatches insulin in very small amounts (0.025u/hour)thus once you have your basal sorted no you do not need to snack. If you do need to then your basal is wrong 🙂 MDI is a very crude method of delivering insulin. It's fine if you have a very flat basal, which most people do not have.

I'm happy going to bed at 5.5mmol.
You do have to also remember that everyone has different targets, so what I have poss wont suit you 🙂

Have you bought yourself pumping insulin? If not do so ASP.
Thanks both, it will be hard to not snack on a 5.5 before bed, but erik get the night levels sorted first. 3 days to go. My profile is definitely not a flat one that I could manage well on mdi.
Things inevitably change from time to time and you need to tweak basal profiles etc, but when my basal is 'stable' and working properly I would actually happily correct a 7.x at night time to ensure I wake in the 5s.

It's a very different feel to MDI where my basal was always 'least worst'. Now I can get it to do what it should. 🙂
Sorry if been asked previous but what levels are pumpers happy to go ro bed on? Also if below 6 do you have a snack like advised on mdi?

I wouldn't correct at below 7.5, and if I was below 5.5 I'd take a snack - because my BGs move alot in the night, and so if I go to bed below 5.5 I am prone to nughttime hypos - but only prone, they dont always happen, it depends what I've done in the day/what I've eaten/what mood I'm in/whether sagitarrias is rising in jupiter...
My Consultant advised me not to go to bed lower than 6, due to fluctuations that even Billy (pump) can't cope with. I'm happy using 5.5 as my benchmark.
due to fluctuations that even Billy (pump) can't cope with

So Billy cant cope....🙂

What kind of fluctuations have you observed......?

I take one night it totally different to the next due to mood/food/Sagittarius.....🙂
So Billy cant cope....🙂

What kind of fluctuations have you observed......?

I take one night it totally different to the next due to mood/food/Sagittarius.....🙂

One day I can go to bed on 7.5 and wake up on 3.5, the next I go to bed on 8.2 and wake up on 11.3 (that's the last couple of nights for you as a basic example).
Some times I can say 'yes, I went to the gym last night, it probably affected my levels' or 'yes, I had quite a large supper, that probably made me go a bit high late on (I have mild gastroparesis so sometimes my supper doesnt appefct my BGs until the middle of the night, sometimes before I go to bed)
Some times, sometimes, sometimes...:confused:
Ah gastro paresis, I was going to ask what you had seen happening during the night.......but with the gastro paresis you cant really do much.....:(
Gastroparesis is fun😛. With mine now that I'm on the pump I'm happy to go bed at 5. I may wake up hypo sometimes but it doesn't appear to be related to my bedtime level. The joys of severe gastroparesis. I love my pump because before I was having to go to bed at 13 with a correction because of the risk of a hypo from the evening meal insulin on MDI but not now because of the multiwave
I like to go to bed between 6 and 7 but I live alone so don't like risking night time hypos. If I am below 6 I have a snack if I want one or more likely use a -10% temporary basal for a bit.
I usually have active bolus insulin from my dinner when I go to bed so I would probably snack if below 5. If there was no active bolus insulin I'd be happy to go to sleep at anything above 4.5.
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