Question for insulin users

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Currently I am having weird readings

Prior to meals between 3.9 and 4.6 on average, but 2 hours after food it 'spikes' at around 12 - which I feel is wrong.

Anyone got any ideas?
Currently I am having weird readings

Prior to meals between 3.9 and 4.6 on average, but 2 hours after food it 'spikes' at around 12 - which I feel is wrong.

Anyone got any ideas?

It depends on what you are eating Hazel - I've found that with some food I have to change the timing of my novorapid so that I can match the peak of the food. You might want to take 1 and two hour readings so that you can work out when the food spike is. Novorapid peaks at between 1 and 2 hours after injecting, so it may have passed it's peak before the food starts hitting your system. I often get this - I get my dose right, as I come back to good levels eventually, but I miss the peak.

Sorry if that's not much help, it's yet more trial and error I'm afraid.
Thanks Alan

Food is nothing fancy -

breakfast is porridge or cereal, (not a lot), and skimmed milk

lunch is usually homemade veg soup and a sandwich, finishing with with a piece of fruit or a yogurt

dinner is meat and 2 veg with the odd potato/rice/pasta

I may try your idea of delaying the Novorapid

If you are high at 2 hours then it would usually be better to time the novorapid slightly earlier, rather than later. If you did it later then you would have had less of the insulin working by the 2 hours and be higher. When you are high at 2 hours do you come back into range by 4 hours?
If you are blending your soup that will cause your BMs to rise faster than an unblended soup. As the blender has done a lot of the work that your digestive system would otherwise have to do.
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