question about provisional driving license

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hello there. I've recently applied for a provisional driving licence and I've recieved a letter from the DVLA that they've written to my doctor to assess my fitness to drive. I was wondering if anyone knows what happens after this. Although i don't really have many hypos my hba1c is kind of high. Could that affect my chances of getting a provisional licence or not? Does anyone know if there are any other factors that can impact driving for a type 1 diabetic? because i'm quite worried about my record of high blood sugars from the past.
Are you newly diagnosed so that's why your A1c is high?

They tend to worry about low BG more than they do high, anyway - but they do need you to be able to show from the last 3 months test results on your meter that you're not regularly hypo before granting a licence so they won't issue it until you can.

Speaking personally though - I accept that when my BG is too high rather than too low that it may not be very apparent to an observer - it is to me. My eyes get 'tired' so I feel like I need to rub them and I absolutely know my brain - and therefore my reactions - slow down. What if I don't notice something in my peripheral vision that I should have seen? Not a recipe for safe driving, is it? It isn't for me, anyway.

You please yourself - just need to be 100% certain 100% of the time that you don't affect anyone else's life or property when you drive, that's all.
ok thank you. do you know what the minimium amount of hypos are allowed in order to issue the licence?
To be allowed a driving licence the requirements are that you have not had two hypos where you have Required assistance during any year, and that you have not lost your hypo awareness.

It is standard procedure that we are given a time limited licence and have to reapply regularly. Mine is still a three year one but I have a feeling that the newer ones are now for five years.

Once you have your licence you must be aware of your glucose level before you drive (from a blood test, Libre scan or CGM) and retest every two hours when you are driving.

I think this will give you a link to the DUK page regarding driving with Diabetes. (if it doesn’t work I hope someone else can drops it in)
To be allowed a driving licence the requirements are that you have not had two hypos where you have Required assistance during any year, and that you have not lost your hypo awareness.

It is standard procedure that we are given a time limited licence and have to reapply regularly. Mine is still a three year one but I have a feeling that the newer ones are now for five years.

Once you have your licence you must be aware of your glucose level before you drive (from a blood test, Libre scan or CGM) and retest every two hours when you are driving.

I think this will give you a link to the DUK page regarding driving with Diabetes. (if it doesn’t work I hope someone else can drops it in)
Thats fine, but do you know what the minimium amount of hypos are allowed regarding the medical examination? I heard that if our meter has more than 1 hypo within the last 3 months, then the provisional licence shall be revoked. This is ridiculously infuriating because despite my much better control, I have had around 2-3 hypos in the past 3 months, although i didnt need any assistance for any of them.
Thats fine, but do you know what the minimium amount of hypos are allowed regarding the medical examination? I heard that if our meter has more than 1 hypo within the last 3 months, then the provisional licence shall be revoked. This is ridiculously infuriating because despite my much better control, I have had around 2-3 hypos in the past 3 months, although i didnt need any assistance for any of them.
As far as I’m aware, the only time you might be required to produce a meter with three months of readings on it, is when you are applying for an HGV licence. The criteria for a simple car licence are not so onerous.
I regularly have mild hypos. It goes along with tight control. It is only severe hypos (Ines that require you have assistance from someone else) that count against your having a licence. As @Robin says this is different if you are applying for HGV licences.

For a normal licence the ‘medical’ is your consultant being able to confirm that you meet the conditions I listed above.

I hope that that makes sense
thank you everyone for your help, the provisional licence I have applied for is the car/motorbike one.
By 'assisted' hypos DVLA mean eg when you, or someone else has had to dial 999 for medical help - it categorically does NOT mean when you ask your mate to pass you the jelly babies - or whatever you use to sort your hypos out.
hello there. I've recently applied for a provisional driving licence and I've recieved a letter from the DVLA that they've written to my doctor to assess my fitness to drive. I was wondering if anyone knows what happens after this. Although i don't really have many hypos my hba1c is kind of high. Could that affect my chances of getting a provisional licence or not? Does anyone know if there are any other factors that can impact driving for a type 1 diabetic? because i'm quite worried about my record of high blood sugars from the past.
It is a worry ! Really good luck in achieving 😉
thank you everyone for your help, the provisional licence I have applied for is the car/motorbike one.
That should be no problem at all. It is just an important regular check on our being safe to drive.

Once you are driving just remember to ALWAYS check before you drive. If you start to feel weird whilst driving, don’t spend the next few miles applying logic, just safely stop and check. It is not worth the risk for you and other road users.
hello there. I've recently applied for a provisional driving licence and I've recieved a letter from the DVLA that they've written to my doctor to assess my fitness to drive. I was wondering if anyone knows what happens after this. Although i don't really have many hypos my hba1c is kind of high. Could that affect my chances of getting a provisional licence or not? Does anyone know if there are any other factors that can impact driving for a type 1 diabetic? because i'm quite worried about my record of high blood sugars from the past.
Please let us know how you are getting on Mo 🙂
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