question about metformin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been on metformin for the last 2 yrs., and on my last doc visit, they increased the dose to 4 a day as my sugars are still averaging around 8. I'm not overweight, never have been and am 49. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter 12 yrs ago and it never went away. The question I have is - can you go off metformin and try and control your sugars with diet only? I managed to do it quite well for 10 years and since I've been taking 4 metformin a day, I find I'm constantly breathless, and am sleeping my life away and have absolutely no energy whatsoever. Any advice would be appreciated ....🙄
\never stop taking prescribed pills. Like you, followign7 years or so of textbook readings my BS went up and I was put on maximum Metformin and other pills. Like you I sleep the clock round, have no energy, but at my insistance, following latest HbA1c of 10.3, I am being referred to diabetic unit of local hospital. I 'phoned them to see what to expect, and there is an injection called Ybetta (I think) which is not insulin. So I will have to wait and see. My appointment has not yet come through.

That's my story - but please, DO NOT stop taking prescribed pills. Go back to you care team and talk to them. Perhaps there is a better course of medicatin that would suit you better.

Take care
I have been on metformin for the last 2 yrs., and on my last doc visit, they increased the dose to 4 a day as my sugars are still averaging around 8. I'm not overweight, never have been and am 49. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter 12 yrs ago and it never went away. The question I have is - can you go off metformin and try and control your sugars with diet only? I managed to do it quite well for 10 years and since I've been taking 4 metformin a day, I find I'm constantly breathless, and am sleeping my life away and have absolutely no energy whatsoever. Any advice would be appreciated ....🙄
Dear kicsi0202,

If you change your dietary regime, it is possible to dispense with the Metformin, the rationale is simple - If you don't put glucose (i.e. carbohydrates) into your body, how can you have raised BS?. I have had type 2 for 15 years. Twelve years ago I decided that I would try a controlled carbohydrate approach and have been able to conrtol my blood glucose ever since by "diet only" (see my signature). It is not easy to do BUT IT IS POSSIBLE!

Regards Dodger
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to dodger

Thank you v much for info and encouragement, I have a diabetes app in 3 months time so am going to wean myself off the Metformin and follow a strict diet and see what my sugars are like when I go back to the clinic. I really don't like not being in control of my own body and I loathe taking tablets, there are always side effects. It might not work but I really want to give it a try so wish me luck, you've been a great help.
Tk u for your input Hazel, I will make a note of the new treatment you are having. Metformin is the 2nd tablet they have tried on me, the first worked much better on the sugar levels but my liver wasn't happy! I will try the diet only for the next 3 months and see what my sugar levels are like - if it doesn't work, at least I know I gave it one last shot to control it myself. Hope it all goes well for you. Rgds Mari : )
Dear kicsi0202,

There is a book, by Jenny Ruhl "Blood Sugar 101 - What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes" which describes a protocol for normalising your blood glucose using dietary means, I have recommended this to a number of people and no I do not get a commission! I wish you well in your BS control

Regards Dodger
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