Question about hypo


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi can I ask a questions about hypo treatment please. I did google this and couldn't find an answer but I am sure that someone on here will know!
This morning I used 6 units of Trurapi about 15 minutes before I had toast for breakfast. I had just eaten the toast when my libre said I was 3.4 I checked with a finger prick and it was 5.3 so I was.
My question is... if I was actually having a hypo, would I have needed to treat it? I have noticed that it takes a while before food rises h=my glucose levels so not sure whether I need to do something or will the toast sort it out?

On this occasion the fingerprick said you weren’t actually hypo so you didn’t need to do anything except keep an eye on things @Caroline1967 However, if the finger prick had showed you were 3.4, in that position I’d have had a couple of Dextro tablets because the toast wouldn’t work immediately and sitting at a low level isn’t good longterm. Perhaps you don’t need to bolus that far in advance?
Thanks for your reply.
I was told by the nurse to use it 15 minutes before I eat but I think I might try taking it a bit nearer the food and seeing what happens.
I started all this just before I went on a cruise and I thought it had been a bit of a disaster while I was away but I spoke to the nurse yesterday and he looked at libreview and said he thought things were going ok. While I was away I averaged about 10.5 daily which he thought was ok as a starting point. He also said things had improved a lot since Monday (When I got home from the cruise!)
It is very kind of people on here to answer questions. I am very grateful. Thank you.
The 15 minutes is just a rough guide. Some people need more time, some less. As an example - and this is just me, you’ll be different - I need 25 mins in advance for breakfast; 10/15mins for lunch; and 0 (zero) minutes in advance for my evening meal if I’m in range.

Just experiment carefully and see what works for you 🙂
If I confirm my BG is low immediately before a meal I have hypo treatment first, and then eat the meal in addition.

I think some people find the hypo treatment can get slightly slowed down if taken after a big meal (because the stomach is already full) so having it first seems wise.

For what it’s worth the ‘right’ pre-bolus time for me varies from month to month and year to year. Sometimes it’ll be 10 minutes, other times more like 45minutes for the same meal!

Just another of the goalposts to keep chasing!
Thanks... I am writing things down as the nurse said it can be a bit trial and error getting the ratio of insulin right..he didn;t mention about timing but I guess i need to look at that too!
I will get the hang of this eventually!!
