question about driving

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey there ive recently submitted the dvla submission form for a provisional licence. i ticked the box that i had 2 (or more) hypos but i also ticked that i didnt need any assistance on any of those occasions. i was wondering if that would cause the licence to be revoked because apparently you're not allowed to have 2 typos in a year, and if you do they dont allow you to have a provisional licence. i think thats really infuriating and ridiculous. can anyone help? by the way my licence has NOT been revoked but im just asking because im still awating the DVLA's response.
You should be fine with that. It's the assisted hypos they're bothered about. Any T1 who says they don't have more than 2 hypos is either not T1 or a liar.
does anyone know anything about this??
As far as I am aware, the only hypo related reasons for refusing a licence are for hypo awareness (lack of) or assisted hypos.
Welcome to the forum 🙂, you should be ok.
Welcome to the forum, while I am type 2 I can have several hypos a week or even in a day. As others have said it's the assisted hypos dvla don't like ie when an ambulance or hospital intervention is required to recover from a hypo.
As others have said, if we lost our licences for ‘having two hypos’ I am not sure any T1 would be driving!!
It is only if you have two hypos for which you required 3rd party assistance. So you should fpdefinitely be okay,
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