Question about being ill


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, all.
I've been rather poorly lately. I think it's probably flu, given the symptoms. I'm on the mend now. However, I've been finding my glucose numbers have gone up and are staying up. Not above 7.1 (and that was only one day), but still higher than before.
Is this because I'm ill? Do I need to see a doctor whenever I'm ill because sugars go up? I didn't go because all symptoms were manageable at home and I don't tend to go to the doctor unless I'm really unwell. But I'm a little concerned about the sugars - which they didn't tell me to monitor - and whether I need to change my attitude about when to visit the doctor. (Weight has kept going down steadily, not that seems to have made any difference to bloods)
No, you don't need to see a doctor just because your levels have increased a little due to illness. This is normal. If they had shot up to 15 or 20 and were stuck there that would be different but 7s or even 8s are perfectly acceptable levels and even 9s or 10s wouldn't be anything much to sweat about short term, but you you were consistently in double figures for months with no sign of them coming down or gradually increasing then that would be the time to seek help.
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly @Meglorien

Yes unfortunately illness is one of those things that can have a glucose-raising effect, injury can have the same effect (eg recovery after surgery), as can stress and even just excitement in some people. Seems like the body thinks that releasing extra energy will help fight the infection - except it’s less helpful if you have a wonky metabolism!

My experience suggests that for me any reaction to illness can be unpredictable and vary like the weather - two bouts of illness that feel as bad as each other (eg a nasty cold) can pass with one having no effect on my BGs, and the other pushing them skywards, even before I’ve fely any symptoms.

As @rebrascora suggests, the rises you have seen appear to be relatively modest, and don’t seem to warrant an appointment. Perhaps you could ask your nurse if they have Sick Day Rules to help guide you about when to seek extra help?