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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Its been two hours since dinner and i am 6.4 :D and have just taken my 20 units levemir

Question is what is a good level to go to bed on, should i have a snack if i go any lower, or should it stay at that level now, i dont want to have a night hypo as iv not had one yet :(

Thanks x
Its been two hours since dinner and i am 6.4 :D and have just taken my 20 units levemir

Question is what is a good level to go to bed on, should i have a snack if i go any lower, or should it stay at that level now, i dont want to have a night hypo as iv not had one yet :(

Thanks x

for me it would depend what ive eaten throughout night, but generally i would have a little snack before bed and me personally I dont feel comfortable going to bed with anything lower than 6.0
Hmmm...that's a tricky one, and a lot depends on how confident you are that your basal level - the levemir - is correct for you. I take lantus and used to be on 20 units a day, but I found that unless I was around 8-10 at bedtime I would drop low in the night. Eventually, I learned that I needed far less lantus and now I can happily go to bed at 5.5-6.5.

If you are worried that you might be a little lower than you are used to, have a snack - something like peanut butter on bread - before bed. This will digest slowly and should help keep your levels up.🙂 Remember also that you will still have your fast acting from your meal working for up to 5 hours, so will probably drop lower than 6.4 before bed.
Thanks 🙂

I will check my levels again a bit later and have a snack if they are low 🙂

God my poor fingers :(
Ok now 4 hours after dinner and levels are 10!! went up by 4!

Completely confused and very annoyed!!!!

I had rice noodles and some beef, do u think the noodles could have caused late spike???

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Hey gal sorry to hear you where up in the 12.s how are you now? x x
Woke up on 10.2 :( spose its better than 12, i just dont get what happened


It does sound like the rice noodles must have given you a late spike. Perhaps you could inject after eating next time you have them so the insulin peaks later? It's very difficult for you at the moment, being on fixed doses and without the flexibility of carb counting. Don't beat yourself up over it - things will improve. Give that doctor a good tongue-lashing at the next appointment!
It could be that noodles digest more slowly for you and thats why your blood sugars rose 4 hours later.

Or it could be that your novorapid dose for your meal was enough as you got the good 6 result at 2 hours, but the rise could have been due to insufficient levemir. It takes a bit of time for the levemir to get going and if the dose isn't enough then you would see a slow rise. Levemir for lots of people doesn't last 24 hours so need to take 2 doses.

I know it's frustrating but you will start to see how things work. And you'll never get it perfectly right, I've been playing this diabetes game for 10 years, my control is good but I hit double figures almost every day, so don't get down on yourself.
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