Puzzled by apparent spike

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been doing really well and my blood glucose seems to be hitting 7 ish first thing and falling throughout the day to 5 something or even 4.9 before bed.

This morning it was 5 ish and rose to 6.4 an hour or so after breakfast (1 bacon, 1 egg at about 07.00). Before lunch, I checked again and got 9.9! I immediately took another reading from a different finger and got 8.7. Is it possible that I've git some duff strips? Is there some other way my blood glucose could spike like this without eating anything?
Well done with your diabetes management, those are great readings. You seem to be on the right path.

Do you check your blood sugar before lunch every day? What are your readings typically like then? I wouldn't be too concerned about a one-off slightly high reading, especially when you're doing so well generally.
I'm getting low to mid 5's before lunch normally though I did get an equally mysterious 10 something a few days ago.

It was down to 6.9 a bit over an hour ago.
@Reptile if you get an unexpected high, the advice is always to wash your hands with soap and water and try again. You may have something on your fingers.
If you want to check your strips and/or meter you can get some control solution but it is rare for them to be consistently out by a long way if they are in date.
As for unexpected spikes, they can happen. Highs can be caused by more than just carbs. Those of us with type 1 will need to inject insulin for low/no carb meals. But there is also things like illness, stress, anxiety, exercise, … which can affect our levels.

Whilst it is good to be able to identify the cause of highs (and lows), some times it just seems to be that we are wearing the wrong socks. And, remember, people without diabetes can see spikes to higher than 9.
Thanks for the benefit of your experience. Perhaps there is a source of stress: worrying about my blood sugar...
Thanks for the benefit of your experience. Perhaps there is a source of stress: worrying about my blood sugar...
Ahhhhhhh, I was going to mark that with a “Like” but I don’t like that you are worrying about your blood sugars.
It is easy to become obsessed and then burn out. We each have to find the right level of managing and checking without worrying.
You are in the early miles of your diabetes journey so it may take some time to work out what works for you … that’s you in terms of your diabetes but also in terms of your mental health.
Take care.
I got a 10 recently but realised the new hand wash I used was citrus!! I re washed using something else and got a 5!!
Good idea, we have hand wash in the kitchen and soap in the bathroom...
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