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Lisa O

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys!

At my last appointment at the diabetic clinic, the doctor mentioned thinking about going on the insulin pump. apparently my levels are the best they have been since being diagnosed almost 5yrs ago, but still higher that what they should be (if you know what i mean). I dont have the HbA1c measured as i have the sickle cell trait, as the readings would be inaccurate (so i'm told). i have fructosamine done instead.

Anywhoooo.. i have been looking at pumps to see what its all about really.

Just wondered if anyone has any advice? i suppose my biggest question is how do you get around wearing different clothes.. does you still need to leave a certain amount of hours before you eat..? etc etc

obviously gonna talk it through with my DSN at my next appointment..

thanks in advance
lisa xx

Just wanted to quickly answer your qs.

You find plenty of places to hide them in clothes!! They can be clipped to clothing, or tucked in pockets, tucked in underwear, you can buy straps to hold them to your leg, etc. Honestly - they are so easy to hide. Dresses can be 'interesting', but again - there are ways around it!

Do you mean do you have to bolus a while before you eat? Sorry not 100% sure what you are asking. But yes, it is still Novorapid, so most people do chose to give insulin before they eat.

Shiv x
yes shiv just wondering about the boluses! lol

thanks for the reply xx
Go for it best thing ive ever done 🙂
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