Pumps with remote control?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've just been ok'd by my DSN and Consultant for a pump, subject to PCT sign off.

I've always preferred the idea of a pump with remote control e.g the Combo as I think I would feel very self conscious pressing buttons etc on the pump itself when in public. I was offered a choice of the Combo or Veo and I finally opted for the Veo as the DSN has much more experience with these.

Is having a remote control that important, or is it just me?
Hi Andrew it's personal choice :D If you have never had one you wont miss it.
The combo and the DanaR have the remotes.
In theory your dsn will not touch the pump once it all set up. All tech support comes from the company providing the pump.
The pct can not say no to the pump either as your Consultant says you need one 🙂 Happy pumping.
The remote can be quite useful if you are of the female persuasion and have ensconced the beastie amongst your underpinnings.

The Combo one is also the meter and bolus wizard though so it tests your blood, you input how many carbs and it calculates your dose, then you tell it to deliver your bolus so in fact, I actually still use it even when El Pumpo is on my waistband!
I have a medtronic with a remote & have not even taken remote out of box ! Your pump is just like a mobil phone & pushing the buttons is just like texting someone & takes seconds ! Taking a blood test is the timetaking bit. I feel that using a remote is something else to go wrong (but dont need it). Good luck with pump 🙂
Well exactly Hobie, I most likely wouldn't use it either, if it wasn't the meter and bolus calculator.
Ok. That's really good.
I guess it's not an issue at all then.
I can't wait to get started🙂
Many thanks for your comments
Andrew, if it helps there is an online pump school for your pump. Google it and learn what you can before you start and invest in the book pumping insulin by John walsh (amazon)
I've had two pumps now

My first pump didn't even have wizards let alone a remote having no remote or wizard really didn't bother me..

Now with the 2nd pump the Combo, I have the remote and I must admit I would actually miss it if I didn't have it.. As I just faff with the remote don't go through the hasle of then faffing with the pump..

It's a case that if you've not had one it makes no difference, but if you get one you then start missing it if you haven't got it
Yes - I started off using the meter just as a meter but pressing buttons on the pump for approx 6/7 weeks. The meter then went wrong so just used another one until the new one arrived. NP. Went back to get it 'paired' and we set it all up to use the remote. Used it for 2 months and the night before I went on holiday in August that one went bonkers too. Because the whole holiday we were on the move, I was without the meter bit for a while- approx 5 weeks (4 weeks were holiday) and to begin with - I couldn't remember which buttons to press for what!! Couldn't believe it, felt exactly like Mr Meldrew ! Loads of texts back and forth to France to DSN - until could get back home and thence to DSN as I'd had the new one delivered to her .....

It remains to be seen whether it was the meters, the strips or the flipping user! May have been a mixture of all 3 and no idea if they ever let you know. Weird though considering how long I've been using a flipping meter ...... :confused:

Whatever ....... I love it ........
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