Pumps and Airports

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
apologies if this has been asked before...

Airport security and a pump - how does it work? My hospital said they'll provide me with a letter but what should I expect?

Anyone flown from stansted with one?

Don't worry if the question has already been asked, this way is a lot quicker than trawling through the posts, and it flags it up again! Which is great. I have never gone through Stanstead but will be in 2017, so I am glad that you have asked this question.

You should have your letter from the DSN available, but I have only been asked for it once in 8 years. I do not even bother to tell them that my pens etc are in my hand luggage. They are so used to seeing them now that they don't even bother to search the bags.

I do tell them that I am wearing a pump and that it cannot go through an X-ray. It is fine in the metal detector, it is only a problem if you set that off and they then want you to go through the x ray thingy. Most of the time they say that's fine and just swab the pump. It is only at Bristol that I have had any issues, but that is rare.

I shall watch with interest to see what other responses y get.

Don't forget when you go away to take pens and needles as back up and take double what you think you need in cannulas, infusion sets, ...Ketostix, ... Accu Chek do a booklet with a list of what to pack, and I guess other pump companies will do the same.
Have never had a problem. The first time I went away I unclipped my pump & put it in the tray with phone etc. 2nd time just whore it, they know what they are. Enjoy ya Hol 🙂
It may depend on what pump you have. Accu Check definitely say don't out pump through an X-ray machine. Ask your pump manufacturer to confirm what you need to do for yours.
Travel quite a lot through a few airports. Following a discussion on another forum where it was stated that two of the regular airports that i use never even ask i tried just attempting to go through the arch when the eagle eyed guy spotted the cannular tubing into my pocket when he asked what it was and wanted to see the letter.

He did get confused that the arch was a metal detector rather than x-ray. Although i didn't have to explain what a pump is as they see that many.

Not been through Stansted but the only airport i've had a real issue was Schipol, Amsterdam where the gates in use only have x-ray body scanners at which point they just did the body search.
OK airports - Liverpool, Manchester, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Frankfurt, Doha since pumping.

If they insist on the pump going through the x-ray then the advise I was given by my DSN (supported by Accu Chek) was to remove the batteries from the pump before it goes through the machine. I've always stood my ground and gone for the frisk rather than risk the pump not working again.

All other supplies through as normal. I always put vials, cartridges and pens in clear bags even though they are exempt the liquids rules due to being medication, but better safe than sorry. Remainder in my hand luggage.

Good luck and just go with the flow and it will be fine.
Stanstead is our local airport and have been thro quite a few times. They know all about diabetics as they see hundreds every day. Just put it on the tray, dont say anything just let it go throgh and it will come out the other side thats where they may say something just have your prescription with you to show them. Put all your liquid insulin, in its packaging, into a plastic see thro sealed bag. Keep all meds in their correct packaging. You are going to be fine, have a nice trip.
Just put it on the tray, dont say anything just let it go throgh and it will come out the other side thats where they may say something just have your prescription with you to show them
It is so confusing as Accu Chek clearly state that the pump should not go through an x ray if avoidable. I am assuming that your pump is not an Accu check..
Wow sorry I am not a pump user. If they say dont put it thro then dont. Just approach the security (usually the 'air' side of the scanner) and explain that you have one and it may set the alarm off, they may well want to see it though.
Wow sorry I am not a pump user. If they say dont put it thro then dont. Just approach the security (usually the 'air' side of the scanner) and explain that you have one and it may set the alarm off, they may well want to see it though.
No Problem
I just wanted to clarify in case people read your post within this thread and thought that it would be okay to put their pump through the x ray.
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I have never removed my pump as the letter my consultant gave me says that I can't disconnect it, and occasionally it has set off the metal detector. I haven't had to go through a whole body scanner I don't think, do they use X-rays?
I have never removed my pump as the letter my consultant gave me says that I can't disconnect it, and occasionally it has set off the metal detector. I haven't had to go through a whole body scanner I don't think, do they use X-rays?

Like you Radders I do not take off my pump.

I go through the metal detector wearing the pump and don't bother to mention it unless it triggers the signal. Usually that just involves a conversation and sometimes they swipe the pump (which I always have accessible just in case) to check it for explosives. On rare occasions they ask me to take it off and out it through the X-ray which, as instructed by Accu Chek I do not do, and that has required a pat down instead which is fine (usually done very apologetically and only once did I have an unpleasant experience where in public the man started to argue claiming that I was refusing to complete security checks)

If they then want me to go through a body scanner, again I refuse clutching my letter from the consultant, and ask for a pat down, which has again caused no problem so far.

For a while I had thought that this should not go through X-ray but I have been assured that that is fine so that just goes in the tray along with insulin pens (for backup), vials, cannulas, ... . Whoever I am travelling with also has another set of everything in their hand luggage. It is very rare for there to be any comment as they clearly see diabetes kits fairly regularly.

I hope that all makes sense
I have had the body scanner x-ray twice, once in Brisbane the second time in Melbourne. Passengers smiling as I got selected but then they had to pass by the sniffer Spaniel who was a bit frisky that day ha haaa.
I have always disconnected (like I would for a shower etc) and handed it around the metal detector/full body scanner asking for it to be swabbed. By the time bags have been through the x-ray and I'm trying to find my shoes someone has handed it back to me. Interestingly, every with pump flight has been through Bristol and (unlike for @SB2015) they've been absolutely fine - probably just depends who you get!
No problems what so ever ! 🙂. If there was any problems I would want to see the head man & I not kidding 😉
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