pumping catch up!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
SO! You will be pleased to hrar that my overnight basals are now spot on!!

Alas my day times are not. I tested today and have made some rather epic changes!

Alas I am sat here suffering due to not realising pump had become disconnected!! 19.0 at last count but reconnected and corrected so here's hoping!

Oh and who here thinks I don't deserve my pump? Those on twitter will realise what I'm going on about 😛
Ahhh Sam there you are not seen you on for a few days hun

Nice to see you posting and i know im clueless about pumps but im pleased things with the overnight basals are sorted x

p.s are you settled in the new place ok?
Course you deserve your pump. No idea what is being said on Twitter, but take no notice.

Well done on the night time testing. Great stuff. So just day time to sort which sounds like you are doing brilliantly with. You go girl.

Sorry about the high.

Another trick we use with highs that don't want to shift after a bolus or two, we put on a higher temp basal, quite a few of us do actually and it does seem to manage highs quite well alongside the correction bolus'. Lots of us do it on cwd but it is trial and error as to what works. I start off with 120 for an hour to see what happens.

Good to hear that you are making progress with the pump.

Feel safe in the knowledge that you are not the first to get a high BG from accidentally disconnecting the canula from the pump. I remember being really annoyed with myself when I first realised that this had happened to me but when I had got my BG reading back down and had the chance reflect I must admit to just having a laugh at what had happened.

Yes you deserve your pump.
Anyone who knows anything about diabetes and insulin pumps and has also read any of your posts here, any of your blog and/or anything you have put on twitter will know this.
Still I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You do sometimes wish that these people would take some moments to do a little proper research and background reading for themselves instead of using that time to bother other people by writing an email that demonstrates their ignorance. I am tempted to suggest that you reply to the sender to ask them if they are brave enough to register here and post their views and see what type of response they get from the other people on this forum, especially those of us who have also struggled through the early stages of pumping but are now reaping the benefits that your are now deservedly progressing towards. But then why should any of us waste our time trying to inform someone who is almost certainly just too angry and disappointed with aspects of their own life to be worthwhile corresponding with?
The key question is whether or not you are still happy to be on the pump regime? If you are then that is the only opinion that really matters and the query is answered.
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hey Sam,

Nice to see you back. Well done on the basals, i did my overnight basal testing last night as im off today and they were ok, 7.4, 8.2, 7.4, 6.8.

Just tweaked a little to try get them better. Thats the thing Sam, it will always be changing but well done you for getting the night sorted, you will start to feel so much better.

Take no notice of what anyone says. Everyone who wants a pump should get one in my opinion, we pay our taxes!
well done for getting those over night basals sorted its a right pain doing those , and im not on twitter but ofcourse you deserve a pump! you are as entitled to live a healthy well life as much as everyone else and if using a pump grants you that then so be it , hmmmmm have u been attacked by the pump police by anychance?
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