pumping and menopause

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, 🙂 this is my first thread. I have been a pumper for about 6 years. Have any women experiencing menopause heard of the Ladycare device or used it safely with their pump? I discovered this simple yet amazing gadget at a conference but as it is magnet based I'm not sure if it's compatible with my paradigm pump.:confused:
Hi Michele, I can't answer your question but wanted to welcome you to the forum 🙂 Have you tried asking your pump manufacturers? I'm sure they will have tested it against all sorts of things.
Hi there i too cant help Michele but like Northener wanted to welcome you to the forum x
Thank you both for the welcome,
I have asked medtronic but they just said they hadn't come across the device and if it has magnets to avoid it. The Ladycare company though say they can't see why it should interfere with the pump so long as it doesn't touch it. So, in theory it may be ok if I wear my pump in my bra or high up and the ladycare where they suggest; pinned in my knickers!
They did offer to 'lend' me a ladycare so I could ask my clinic to test it, but of course medtronic is the only one I suspect will know for sure.
I do have my last pump in a cupboard though and am wondering If I can experiment by trying the ladycare with my old pump for a day or two, then if they really aren't compatible, the pump I can give it up as a bad job and go back to my usual pump. x
Hi welcome...

I think that it depends on how strong an magnetic field there is.. It wouldn't be wise to get pump near.

As I don't know what a ladycare device is apart from it involves magnets.. But can you wear it anywhere on your body?

If you can perhaps wearing it around the ankle so it's well away from the pump might be an option?
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