Pumpers change your pump clock

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a reminder for people using pumps to change the time of their pump clocks this weekend 🙂
Thank you Sue🙂
Oh that never even occurred to me! 😱

I'm so used to things like the mobile and laptop updating themselves.

Thank you.
Oh that never even occurred to me! 😱

I'm so used to things like the mobile and laptop updating themselves.

Thank you.

Make sure you change it very last thing at night. you might find your Blood sugars a bit iffy for a day or 2 after the change so keep a close eye on them. 🙂
I allways get very busy this time of year doing outside lights (dark nts) 😱Up ladders in the not so nice part of the year 🙂
Oh good point Sue.

silly question is it best to change it on the pump or handset?
Oh good point Sue.

silly question is it best to change it on the pump or handset?

Perhaps do a separate post to ask someone who has the same pump as you or ring the pump company if no manual handy. I don't have a handset so don't need to worry about it :D
If it's a Roche (can never recall what people have, sorry!) do the pump, then turn the meter on and it will say it has discovered a time difference on the pump of more than 5 minutes and ask you to confirm that it's right.
If it's a Roche (can never recall what people have, sorry!) do the pump, then turn the meter on and it will say it has discovered a time difference on the pump of more than 5 minutes and ask you to confirm that it's right.

Hi TW.

Yes it's a roche combo.
Thank you, I'll do it that way 🙂
Just a reminder for people using pumps to change the time of their pump clocks this weekend 🙂

Eek! I have a new ContourLink (the USB one) so I'll have to get the manual out *shock horror!*
Bummer, innit Mike?

Patti asked me how to change the 'prime' default amount yesterday, I had to press all me buttons till I found it! As I said, my only advantage over her, was that I actually knew for a fact it WAS actually there somewhere and COULD be changed at will !!
If it's a Roche (can never recall what people have, sorry!) do the pump, then turn the meter on and it will say it has discovered a time difference on the pump of more than 5 minutes and ask you to confirm that it's right.
Thanks Trophywench that's very helpful🙂
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