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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone

Just joined today, mainly to get some thoughts on switching to a pump!

I have been a type 1 for 11 years on multiple daily injections, Levemir and Novorapid, I have done the Dafne course however my hba1c has been stuck on the 7.8-8.2 range for several years, even despite doing Dafne.

I'm currently having some difficulties, peaks and lows all over the place (well actually there is a regular pattern) and my nurse has suggested if I was on a pump I could have more control especially over my background insulin.

I don't want to switch to a pump if I am not going to see any real improvements, if I keep having highs and lows then I think I would rather stick to injections as they don't bother me. I would like to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation, where their control isn't that bad and they are already on MDI to then find a pump made life even better?

My other concern is where to put it!! I am familiar with pumps and the places you can 'hide' them however I feel that I would always been trying to organise my outfit around my pump! I have had the opportunity to clip one onto my tights and onto my bra and it was plain obvious I was wearing a pump! Yes, call me vain!

Also on another note - does anyone on Novorapid have a theory that it can in fact work for longer than 4 hours?

Any thoughts welcome! thanks
Hi everyone

Just joined today, mainly to get some thoughts on switching to a pump!

I have been a type 1 for 11 years on multiple daily injections, Levemir and Novorapid, I have done the Dafne course however my hba1c has been stuck on the 7.8-8.2 range for several years, even despite doing Dafne.
Then you do need to think very seriously about other methods of bringing these numbers down. You could end up with some dreadful complications if you don't

I'm currently having some difficulties, peaks and lows all over the place (well actually there is a regular pattern) and my nurse has suggested if I was on a pump I could have more control especially over my background insulin.
With a pump depending on which one you have you can change your basal settings every 1/2hr to suit your bodies needs. So this will be a God send for you.

I don't want to switch to a pump if I am not going to see any real improvements, if I keep having highs and lows then I think I would rather stick to injections as they don't bother me. I would like to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation, where their control isn't that bad and they are already on MDI to then find a pump made life even better?
The benefit you get from the pump is up to you. You have to put the work in. They are no walk in the park for the 1st 3 mths at least. As to the control not being that bad!. It sounds as if yours is. A complete change of insulin might solve the problem if you don't want to pump.A pump is completley life changing

My other concern is where to put it!! I am familiar with pumps and the places you can 'hide' them however I feel that I would always been trying to organise my outfit around my pump! I have had the opportunity to clip one onto my tights and onto my bra and it was plain obvious I was wearing a pump! Yes, call me vain!
So what's going to win vainness or the chance to perhaps save your sight or limbs? If you feel that self consious about wearing a pump look at all the accessories you can get ie garters. No one is aware that I have a pump it just sits in my pocket.

Also on another note - does anyone on Novorapid have a theory that it can in fact work for longer than 4 hours?

Any thoughts welcome! thanks

You have to be 100% commited for a pump so make sure you do your research. If you only have half hearted feelings about it then pumping is not for you.
From day one I loved my pump it solved all my absorption problems I didn't even notice it was attached to me after the first day.
I hope this help you sort things out a bit better in your mind.
Best wishes
Thanks for the comments Sue. I completely understand your points about control and complications, my nurse is encouraging and doesn't see me as someone with disasterous control, I know I need to get my hba1c down by a good 1%.

How did your hba1c improve when you went onto a pump?
Thanks for the comments Sue. I completely understand your points about control and complications, my nurse is encouraging and doesn't see me as someone with disasterous control, I know I need to get my hba1c down by a good 1%.

How did your hba1c improve when you went onto a pump?

It has gone down by 1% but without the hypos.
I had been injecting for 43 years so was having major absorption problems. IE insulin would let go with big bang. I found this very frustrating as had always had good control.
Once I started to pump the hypos stopped and I feel so different it's difficult to explain.
The freedom is amazing too.
With your A1c going up too 8.2 I would have to differ with your DSN 😱 That is not good control.
Have a look at the dif pumps available and look at some pumping forums. There is so much advice given and people saying how it changed their lives.
Order the book pumping insulin by John Walsh it's the pumpers Bible.
Ah okay, I would love to get it down by 1%!

Last hba1c was 7.8 - think it was 8.2 about a year back but it does go up and down between 7.6-7.9-8.0 etc.

I actually work with a company that makes pumps so I'm quite clued up on theirs (medtronic) hence why I had the opportunity to clip it to my tights! I'm going to give it some serious thought for 2009, thanks for the book tip too🙂
Will keep you posted if i do go on one!
Nic - in response to your other note yes I do feel that Novorapid can sometimes work for more than 4 hours! My eyes went wide when I read that note to be honest lol. It seems to pick and choose for me that sometimes it takes ages and ages to break down any sugar and reduce my BM but sometimes it does it really quick and my blood sugar seems to get to a nice level really quickly. It confuzzles me but maybe I'm doing something drastically wrong and no ones picked up on it yet.
pump advice

Does anyone else have any pump advice please?
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