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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After a truly awful 7 days, I got my pump today! The company have withdrawn the injector-thing and the DSN was worried that I couldn't use the replacement. But I managed it!!

Have managed to add extra units to cover my tea too.

The only bit I'm having a problem with is the blooming tube! But I'm sure I'll find a way of solving that!! (Probably bit of sticky tape!!)

My DSN has just phoned to see how I got on and seems quite pleased with me!

Here's to better control of my sugar levels!!!
Hope your early pumping weeks are relatively trouble free. Have you had much help getting your basal rates set up?
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The DSN has just phoned me and we've reduced my basal rate already. She has been fab and given me lots of ways to contact her (email, mobile etc) if I have a query. She also promised to phone again tomorrow to check how I'm doing.

Think I'm going to enjoy using this! Even though I had to test at 2am, I still got a better night's sleep than I have in months!!!
You must have the Accu-chek Combo, am I right? Glad you're getting on well!!
I do indeed have the Accu-Chek Combo! I've even suggested that my friend looks into getting one - although she didn't seem to keen on the canula bit! But, as I told her, if I can do it, anyone can!

It's a huge weight off my mind not having to inject 2 a day! Plus I love playing with the remote to calculate my carbs and the insulin needed to cover it!! :D
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