Pump?!... & weight gain?...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Not been on for a while (bit busy with new baby! 🙂).... but finally...it looks like i will (hopefully, fingers crossed!!!) be getting a pump! YAY!! Once the hormones calmed down a bit post birth I was waking up with BG of 18-20+, feeling really really ill & nasty, so I'm back to 'guestimate' bolus injections at 3.30am each day & waking up with a more reasonable BG of 10ish... any more BI & I go hypo mid-night so this is the best I can get on MDI - really hope I can crack this Dawn Phenomenon with a pump!

One thing that is worrying me a bit having read one of these threads is that is seems most people gain weight once on a pump... because the only way I could sustain a good enough HbA1c over the past 4 yrs to have my two pregnancies was to have too much insulin & 'eat up to it' without exercising, I have gained 3 stone (yikes! 😱 😱)....this aspect is worrying me as I'm struggling to shift it. Has anyone managed to get settled on a pump without putting weight on? Any suggestions? (apart from sell the car or put padlocks on all the food cupboards!)

I'll probably be asking lots of questions over the next few weeks...!

Hope everyone's well,

Twitchy x
good hear from you xx communication's on new baby ... I will let the pumpers answer your question ..just wanted to say Hello !
I can't comment on pump aspect, as I'm happy on MDI, but I know that my habit (since long before diabetes) of cycling or walking all short journeys (up to at least 1 mile on foot, up to at least 5 miles by bike), even after gaining a driving licence, has helped to keep me fit and normal weight.
I'm off for a gratuitous bike ride today to attend the opening of a cycle path to a place I work, 3.5 miles from home, with last few 100 meters up a hill - I've been cycling there for the 8 years I've worked there, and only driven a few times, either to collect a hay bale (can't get that on my bike!) or if having to set off to drive 250 miles after finishing work. Must admit, the promise of free ice cream after the ceremony is a bonus!
Yes, I need to get more organised with regard to exercise. Obviously long walks like I used to enjoy, bike rides even swims are luxuries out of the question when hubby working away & I'm wrangling a 5 month & 3 yr old, so will need to get more inventive. Meanwhile housework & running up & downstairs 100 times a day will have to do!
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