Pump trial

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello again.
We have been offered an Omnipod saline trial for our daughter. Does the process normally gather pace after this stage or is that just another step?
Hello again.
We have been offered an Omnipod saline trial for our daughter. Does the process normally gather pace after this stage or is that just another step?
As your daughter is so young, they need to check she will accept the wearing of a pump other wise it's a waste of NHS money as a 4 year contract is normally signed.
As your daughter is so young, they need to check she will accept the wearing of a pump other wise it's a waste of NHS money as a 4 year contract is normally signed.
Sounds sensible, so assuming everything goes well, does the new pump arrive soon after or is it a case of waiting to go on lists and so on?
Sounds sensible, so assuming everything goes well, does the new pump arrive soon after or is it a case of waiting to go on lists and so on?
Sorry have no idea what your hospital does. Best to ask the DSN 🙂
Hello again.
We have been offered an Omnipod saline trial for our daughter. Does the process normally gather pace after this stage or is that just another step?
I had a saline start with my pump, so they set me up with it, then I went back a week later to start the real thing. Have you got pump approval already?
If you have approval already for the pump, they will often start people with saline just to enable them to get used the functions on the pump without any insulin. They then switch to insulin soon afterwards.

In our hospital we went straight onto Insulin in the adult clinic. Not sure what happens in Paeds.
I had a saline start with my pump, so they set me up with it, then I went back a week later to start the real thing. Have you got pump approval already?
I have no idea. First I knew of it, the nurse rang up and said would you like to trial an Omnipod 5? Does that mean we have approval? Bit of a weird old set up.
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