Pump sites

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello I am about to try a demo pump...I was wondering if anyone has any advice about the best place to put the Omnipod? If it is on the stomach or legs for example, will getting dressed or exercise etc knock it off?
I have a tubeless pump (not an OmniPod) and tend to put it on my tummy but have also used my lower back.
I know others use their legs and arms.

I have never had a problem with it being knocked off when getting dressed or exercise. My vanity seems to dictate my pump sites as I don't like to see a bulge in my trousers (I rarely wear skirts).
Optional pump areas are thighs, tummy, upper arms but do rotate the sites to give them relief from the needle.
I use my palm to size an area where to put my pumps eg place my palm on top of my thigh and place my pump within its area -ish. 🙄
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