Pump site rotation?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
You also need to think about site rotation because if you are not doing so then you will have scare tissue build up and even more problems

Hi Sue

What happens re site rotation if body is pretty muscly. My legs are like to use err an ex,s words steel rods.
And I,be had difficulties with other less fatty areas . E.g. on one occasion I put a canula into some muscle higher up my abdomen and apart from being extremely painful, the canula blocked
The thread you posted in dated from 2011 @declan88 - so I’ve moved your post to a thread of its own to get more attention.
Hi Sue

What happens re site rotation if body is pretty muscly. My legs are like to use err an ex’s words steel rods.
And I’ve had difficulties with other less fatty areas . E.g. on one occasion I put a canula into some muscle higher up my abdomen and apart from being extremely painful, the canula blocked

Where are you using for sites at the moment Declan? It can be tricky if you have a lean build. Angled sets are usually easier - depending on the pump you use. Love handles/back/tip of buttocks might be possibilities?
Hi Declan
I generally use my abdomen, but have recently started using accessible bits of buttocks, as I am changing my cannula daily so wanted more variation in site positions. I aim for flabby bits but they are not always as easy to get to.
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