Pump Site Pain

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Okay so my site hurts sometimes and I don't want to take it out because I only have so many infusion sites. How can I help ease the pain without putting more meds into my body? Like some natural way? Any ti[s are appriceated!!!
Sorry, but the only way to relieve the pain is to move the infusion set. It hurting like that is telling you something.
Okay so my site hurts sometimes and I don't want to take it out because I only have so many infusion sites. How can I help ease the pain without putting more meds into my body? Like some natural way? Any ti[s are appriceated!!!

Does it hurt all the time? I sometimes find that when I've just changed a site, the first bolus stings a bit, but then it goes away.

What sites are you using? Perhaps there are some others you could try?

When I first got my pump I used all the ones they suggested and had problems with all except my stomach. I tried thighs - very painful and easily knocked; love handles: difficult to get at and I had a few occlusions; and settled on upper and lower stomach. I'm lucky (seems strange to say that!) that I have quite an expanse of stomach so I can rotate my sites without using the same area twice for quite a long time! If you're slimmer you might have less choice.
....if you get pain...you need to change your cannula! What type of cannulas are you using? I have switched from my stomach to thighs....although quite often painful regardless of where I insert. I use steel 8mm and couldn't get on with the teflon ones.
I use Mio and I believe it's 8mm. I'm with Medtronic. I can't use my stomach. I tried ad passed out. I found a new place on my thighs to use and my butt, but it hurts in my butt sometimes. It's a bearing pain and I only have enough supplies to last me 30 days without having any extra, so I can't really use to many sites. I have found that if I massage around my site it relieves some pain. I'm also in need of the larger pump. I have the minimed and I sometimes have to use another resiviour before my days are up before I change sites. I also can't use my arms because i used them alot for my shots alot of the times. So my only places I can use are my thighs and butt. I'm not into take pain meds for it so I'm not sure what I should do. If I go longer than an hour without my pump I get the shakes and my sugar sky rockets. So waiting for my supplies to get here I need to use all my sites as long as I can.
I notice you are in America and assume you to pay towards your supplies. It might be worth getting advice from a somewhere like tudiabetes. We are lucky in the uk as all our supplies are free so we don't have the same worries you do about running out of cannulas
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