Pump safety for the accident prone!

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all.

I'm planning on going ice skating on Thursday, and was wondering what people would recommend for the safest place for me to put my pump.

Sadly, I'm pretty rubbish at ice skating. Last time I went, I fell down 13 times, spent more time on the ice than upright, and bruised my coxyx so it was February by the time I finally sat down comfortably!

I've thought about putting it in my bra, but I can't seem to get the actual 'mechanics' of that right! Any tips?
Can't help with pump, but from my memories of falling over when ice skating, gloves were vital to prevent frozen hands.
Clip it to the front bit between your boobs. Or clip it to the side, with it either inside the bra or outside it.

Depending on how long you're going for, if you're really worried, you could take it off and leave it somewhere safe.
Like Shiv said - you could take it off while you are skating.🙂Bev
Personally I wouldnt wear it. If you fall over and break it you will be so upset :(

This is me but I wouldnt wear it between your boobs either (sorry Shiv), if you fall forwards and dont break your fall in time I think it would be incredably painful to land and have that against your sternum.

Hope you have fun 🙂
Personally I would take it off, as you've really got to find an area on the body if you fall isn't going to make contact with the ice... About the only place I can think of is the upper inner thigh!

You'll not the only one who isn't brill on the blades... Last time I went ice-skating I actually ended up flipping over the side into the seating area, when I failed to stop🙄
I am the master of pumping from the bra!! 🙂 and the way I have mine theres no way you would damage it by falling 🙂

Hard to describe...tubing downwards and placed neatly against the underwire nearest to your back...longways down...does that make sense? altho u have a diff pump to me 🙂

haha i can take a pic of poppy in the bra and send it you if you like....think we r friendly enough for that overshare hahahahah!!!!
Though it's sensible to reduce the possibilities of damage as much as possible I think you'll break before your pump!
I had a nasty fall skiing last year, I hit a patch of ice. A cut eye which even after gluing up meant I didn't appear in public for the next week, bruising all down one side including the pump site (which took weeks to go) Pump got bashed and probably caused some of the bruising but it carried on working with no problems🙂
(seriously though the pump companies are very good at replacement and from what I see this seems to apply Worldwide. After all, one of the selling points of a pump is the ability to live a normal,active life!
I am the master of pumping from the bra!! 🙂 and the way I have mine theres no way you would damage it by falling 🙂

Hard to describe...tubing downwards and placed neatly against the underwire nearest to your back...longways down...does that make sense? altho u have a diff pump to me 🙂

haha i can take a pic of poppy in the bra and send it you if you like....think we r friendly enough for that overshare hahahahah!!!!

I'd say we're friendly enough! That would actually be immensely useful 😎
did u get them?

Hey u....I sent you 2 piccies yesterday...did they arrive safely (pls tell me I didnt send them to someone else!!!) hahaha and if they end up on here I know where you live hahahaha...

But seriously hope they help 🙂 x x x
p.s poppy is camera shy unlike her mummy so ur very lucky to get them hehe 🙂
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