pump pouch for exercise

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Pumpers, I have a MiniMed 640G pump and have started doing HIIT exercises - high intensity interval training - which involves a lot of jumping around and the clip on my pump just isn't secure and my pump goes flying! I used to have a Roche pump which came with loads of different options for wearing the pump but it seems I have to buy accessories for this one and the medtronic ones are so expensive!! I need some sort of waist band with a pocket for the pump that is stretchy and tight fitting for security and flexibility. I tried just taking off the pump but then I get high blood sugars so definitely need to keep it on. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Doesn't it fit your Roche ones, Natalie?

Have you Googled 'Insulin Pump Accessories', cos I know there are a few cos that do them but just can't recall any names though, sorry. Or, a lightweight bum bag ?
I remember a while ago a lot of people got a Spibelt for their pump 🙂 I got one for my running for carrying hypo treatment and meter and you don't know you are wearing it, so would recommend it 🙂
Others have suggested using iPad pouches thwt are available from running shops. I am on a Combo so as you say have the accu check options.
I remember a while ago a lot of people got a Spibelt for their pump 🙂 I got one for my running for carrying hypo treatment and meter and you don't know you are wearing it, so would recommend it 🙂

That is it - Spibelt! Thanks Alan.
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