Pump panel say yes!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Didn't actually know my case was going back to the panel -they previously said no and my consultant said I didn't meet NICE guidleines so she was going to do a request for funding to the CCG, then she retired and the remaining consultants decided to go back to the panel, who now say yes! Got a surprise phone call today, which was nice.

So now I need to decide which pump I want! Got an appointment Tuesday. Any advice? I'm quite active, don't need much insulin and have struggled getting my basal right on MDI. I currently use an Accuchek Expert meter with bolus advisor. Oh, and I'm a girl with small cleavage, so I'll need to think where to put it!
That is great news.
Didn't actually know my case was going back to the panel -they previously said no and my consultant said I didn't meet NICE guidleines so she was going to do a request for funding to the CCG, then she retired and the remaining consultants decided to go back to the panel, who now say yes! Got a surprise phone call today, which was nice.

So now I need to decide which pump I want! Got an appointment Tuesday. Any advice? I'm quite active, don't need much insulin and have struggled getting my basal right on MDI. I currently use an Accuchek Expert meter with bolus advisor. Oh, and I'm a girl with small cleavage, so I'll need to think where to put it!
Good stuff Pigeon 😎
Excellent news @Pigeon! What a great surprise! 🙂 Decisions, decisions! Hopefully the other pumpers will be able to advise 🙂
Excellent news for you pigeon.

Like you before giong on the pump I was using an Accu Check Avila Expert. For our first pump we were all given Accu Chek Combo, to make training for the group easier. After four years I was offered a choice of pump but I stuck with the Combo, in preference to an Insight or any other. I have not used anyone ther pumps as I like my Combo so much.

Having used the Expert beforehand, the transition to the pump was a lot easier as the handset is very similar with the addition to the pump bits.

For The Combo all the pump facilities are available through Bluetooth so once I have hooked my pump, in its pouch, onto my bra under my arm, I do not need to touch it again. Very helpful when wearing a dress. I just enter any instructions through the handset and it 'talks' to my pump. A downside is that it does not have a CGM facility, it I am never likely to meet the NICE requirements and could not afford to fund that myself so I am not worried. I do manage to fund the Libre myself and now use it all the time, and it is great when checking basal rates and other settings on the pump.

I am sure that there will be others who use other pumps with more info
Pumps are the future & cheaper to run so its the right way to be thinking 🙂
Great news! What options do you have with regard to pumps - every area offers different ones - some with no choice, some with loads.
I went for the Medtronic 640g and find it suits me fine and didn't take me too long to work out the different basal rates I required over the 24 hour period, it was also easy to work out the different insulin dosage I needed at meal times.

I had a roche combo which was great, then the newer roche one whose name escapes me which was very slow in comparison. Im now on a Medtronic 640g which I love. It can clip on to your waistband, though mine lives in a pouch. I put poppers on the pouch and all my waistbands so its always secure.
Thanks all for your responses. I don't know if I get a free choice, I'm going along next week with another patient to see some different types. A former colleague had a 640G and speaks highly of it. I read some reviews of the Accuchek insight which said it was quite slow to respond and not really any improvemnt on the Combo, it seems to just look sleeker and be a bit smaller! I was quite interested in the CellNovo as it is so small and rechargeable, but there aren't many reviews available and I found a blog where someone said it kept failing to deliver insulin, maybe it's a bit early days for this one yet. @stephknits , where do you put your Omnipod? I quite like the idea of a patch pump but wouldn't really want it on my arm like it is in all of the sales pictures, I get enough funny looks/questions about my Libre sensor being there and I'm worried about the doorframe problem!
Thanks all for your responses. I don't know if I get a free choice, I'm going along next week with another patient to see some different types. A former colleague had a 640G and speaks highly of it. I read some reviews of the Accuchek insight which said it was quite slow to respond and not really any improvemnt on the Combo, it seems to just look sleeker and be a bit smaller! I was quite interested in the CellNovo as it is so small and rechargeable, but there aren't many reviews available and I found a blog where someone said it kept failing to deliver insulin, maybe it's a bit early days for this one yet. @stephknits , where do you put your Omnipod? I quite like the idea of a patch pump but wouldn't really want it on my arm like it is in all of the sales pictures, I get enough funny looks/questions about my Libre sensor being there and I'm worried about the doorframe problem!
I wear my omnipod all over the place, tummy, love handles, back, arms, top of legs all fine!
Thanks all for your responses. I don't know if I get a free choice, I'm going along next week with another patient to see some different types. A former colleague had a 640G and speaks highly of it. I read some reviews of the Accuchek insight which said it was quite slow to respond and not really any improvemnt on the Combo, it seems to just look sleeker and be a bit smaller! I was quite interested in the CellNovo as it is so small and rechargeable, but there aren't many reviews available and I found a blog where someone said it kept failing to deliver insulin, maybe it's a bit early days for this one yet. @stephknits , where do you put your Omnipod? I quite like the idea of a patch pump but wouldn't really want it on my arm like it is in all of the sales pictures, I get enough funny looks/questions about my Libre sensor being there and I'm worried about the doorframe problem!
Good luck in choosing Pigeon, nowts easy is it ? 🙂
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