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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was rushed to hospital last week after having a fall & OH had to call the paramedics in to get me up and checked over, they decided I needed hospital urgently. I must admit I had been unwell for the previous couple of weeks and was getting confused about things having been trying to get my BG down using either the pump or injections but was totally unaware that my pump was not working. Anyway to cut a long story short the Hospital sorted me out took the pump away and I was put on a Lantus/Novorapid insulin course which I responded to but left me feeling still very confused about everything.

I had to promise I would not try to use a pump again until I had returned the pump to the hospital and learnt how to use it! I am into my 4th year using the 640G.

Anyway they finally let me come home but feeling very weak and feeble with it.

Sorry to hear this - but if the pump 'wasn't working', how can you use it?

Have you spoken to the diabetes clinic, do you go to a different hospital diabetes clinic to the one the ambulance took you to, wondering why the relevant staff weren't summoned to your bed?
I was very confused at the time and had a UTI problem that I was unaware of. My pump clinic is in London but the ambulance took me to another local hospital and I remember saying to the paramedic it has taken a long time to get here as my local hospital is only 6 miles from where I live and the hospital he had taken me was miles away in the other direction.

I have an appointment to go to the London Clinic in 3 weeks time and in the mean time I will have to manage with Lantus and Novo, I find that I am not so confused today and my antibiotic course runs out tomorrow so things should start to improve.

Hope you are feeling better Jusme. Its not easy being T1 at times ? Good luck 🙂
Oh - I see!

It was most likely not enough insulin being delivered that sent your BG silly, cos when we have something else wrong with us, we DO need more. Trouble is not one of us knows beforehand how much more - + 10% or plus 300% ? Main thing is, blood ketones - have you got rid of them?
Yes ketones went very quick once the Lantus and Novorapid got to work, was having bood tests every half an hour and also on a drip with antibiotics in for 3 days.

Working out TBRs for illness is a pain. I find I am now much more confident about accepting the increases and then gradually bringing the increases down in response to a very welcome hypo eventually. It is so important to keep levels in check but when you are ill it is the last thing you want to have to do.
Yes ketones went very quick once the Lantus and Novorapid got to work, was having bood tests every half an hour and also on a drip with antibiotics in for 3 days.

Pleased for you jusme. A pain at the time but NHS are pretty good 😎
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