Pump next week

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hiya all
I am starting my pump training next Wednesday. I'm getting an animas pump. Any advice would be appreciated on how to prepare. I've read pumping insulin and am raring to go. What do wish you had done/known that would have made the transition from mdi easier?
Good luck 🙂
I hope that it all goes really well for you
That's great that you've read Pumping Insulin, that would have been my first bit of advice.

I took my husband with me to the pump training and found it really useful as it meant when we got home we could fill in the gaps the other one had forgotten. It was a nice feeling to have him beside me when I did my first set change and couldn't quite remember what I was meant to be doing!

Good luck!
Ta v much for the good wishes and thanks alisonf for the tip. It would be great to have someone else there as back up because you don't remember everything.
I am sure that if you've read and inwardly digested "Pumping Insulin", the only things you really need to take from the training are the operational detaills of your particular pump, which won't have been covered by the book.

To be honest, they aren't that difficult, and they come with a manual, so it's not that difficult. The pump trainer didn't even touch on how to work out doses, apart from estimating my initial basal, as I'd done all that on Dafne anyway. The session was all about how to change sets, and the menus on the pump.

Congratulations, and I hope it all goes well. I remember being absolutely delighted on the day I got my pump when my blood sugar sat stubbornly at 5 all afternoon!
I am sure that if you've read and inwardly digested "Pumping Insulin", the only things you really need to take from the training are the operational detaills of your particular pump, which won't have been covered by the book.

To be honest, they aren't that difficult, and they come with a manual, so it's not that difficult. The pump trainer didn't even touch on how to work out doses, apart from estimating my initial basal, as I'd done all that on Dafne anyway. The session was all about how to change sets, and the menus on the pump.

Congratulations, and I hope it all goes well. I remember being absolutely delighted on the day I got my pump when my blood sugar sat stubbornly at 5 all afternoon!

Thank you. I just hope I can make the most of it as I know how lucky I am to get a chance to try.
i have been using the animas pump for around 6 years now and have never looked back and even recommended my mum to get one. Any concerns or queries you have contact the animas team there are really helpful and no question seems silly to them.
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