Pump Newbie

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
im a teenage girl and i went on the pump last friday, im really prefering it to injections but would just really appreciate a message from anyone else on the pump because at the moment im feeling a little bit isolated. I don't have any diabetic friends and I've never met anyone else on the pump before. My friends are all really supportive but I do feel that at times I really would appreciate someone else that is going through the same things as me to talk to. I've recently transferred to adult services after having a really terrible time at the peadiatric clinic and I'm doing well and find my new team absolutely faultless :D They are going to send me on a DAFNE course soon and then they've said that I can join the DAFNE support group which I'm told meets up and goes out for meals and socialises together. I feel like this would be a brilliant opportunity for me and I absolutely can't wait. :D
My pump has ended up being quite visible and I'm just wondering how other people handle this and feel about it? I'm alright about wearing it but sometimes I do feel a bit down about myself knowing its there, if that makes sense? I have been out in public a lot wearing it and I've not had any nasty responses or anything so that does reassure me quite a lot but I think I still have quite a way to go before I feel fully used to it and also fully comfortable with myself. Although this isn't all caused by diabetes its caused by being a self conscious teenager lol! Thanks for all help and comments and opinions :D xxxx
Hi Eyeko

Can I be very rude and ask how old you are? I know a few teenage girls and boys on pumps and can put you in touch with them if that helps you. They all do MSN or whatever.

My daughter is 9 next week and has been pumping for 2 1/4 years now. It is life changing and life saving stuff but it really helps to have people who understand and for you that would be others your age.

You can private message me if you would rather.

Take care and well done and welcome to the world of pumping.:)
Hi Eyeko,

I'm not on a pump myself but if you want to chat my MSN is raybans1990@hotmail.com

I've been type one for the past thirteen years, I'm eighteen now. I'm more than happy to talk if you want.

Tom H
Thankyou both very much for your kind replies :D I am 16 and 17 in a couple of months :D would appreciate some one to talk to because I just feel a bit alone sometimes and a we're all in it together kind of team spirit is always nice and helpful i feel :D Tom i will add you if thats okay, hope to speak to you soon, thanks very much :D
Hi Eyeko

I know a couple of girls 15 going on 18 ! who have been pumping for years now. I know their mums better and am meeting up with them all in May. I'll speak to their mums and see if anyone can help and add you to their MSN.
Hi eyeko,
well done on your pump :D I pump too. The freedom is fantastic.
Have you got the book pumping insulin by John Walsh? If not well worth buying. It's known as the pumpers bible.

ooooooooh hello Sue :D pump buddies!! lol! I love it, i really, r eally, really, really love it. The sense of freedom I get from being able to do what my friends do and what I want to do as and when I choose to is best described as a kind of euphoric ecstasy by me. hehehe. Yes. i LOVE the pump :D sorry if this post seems a bit silly but it's just im really happy :D I will get that book!thankyou! xxxx
Hi Eyeko,

Congrats on getting on to a pump. I have been on one now for about 14 months and really love it. Have to agree with you that it is much better then the 5 injections a day I was doing. And definately a lot more freedom.

What pump have you got? I've got the Paradigm 722 and I found that the case that it came with to go on your belt was a bit of a pain. I found that you can get a belt strap that goes round your waist and so is hidden all the time. As far as peoples reactions go, everyone who sees mine is just very curious and amazed at the advances. As a teacher I often find my lessons with new groups going off course and on to diabetes and pumps lol.

Good luck with it and feel free to contact me if you would like to chat.

Take care,

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