Pump names?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Was just wondering what (if anything) you called your insulin pumps?
Mine is called Percival and yours?……
Not printable 🙂
You’ve already heard mine :D
All my diabetes equipment has names. I won’t post them as they’re easily identifiable :D My diabetes has names too - but they’re all unprintable😱
I’ve not named anything, no equipment or body parts.
Think I might name a pump though :confused:
No names for any equipment only original, only time they have names is when they play up, like others say name isn't printable here.
We have realised that some of us have named our pumps.
Have you?

My first ones were called ‘Pumpy’ (very original)
The first 780 was Humphrey (a bit of a know it all)
Now I have Hermione (A lot more friendly than Humphrey- or I have got clearer on how to use it)

Not for you? then ignore this thread.
And my Diabetes is called Deidre.

She has sensible sandals with white ankle socks.
She has long plaits and is one of those people who just won’t leave you alone.
She demands attention at the most inconvenient times.
I have learnt to get in with her, and she is a lot more independent now but still has a sulk now and then.
I don't give inanimate objects names - but I like the fact that other people do (I'm not a complete misery-guts).

When I moved back to Wales from Spain, I lent my Spanish car to a friend until I needed it again. It was a Suzuki. Other friends kept mentioning someone called Suzy - isn't she great, so reliable, just what so-and-so needs at the moment...ooooooh (sound of penny dropping), der, my Suzuki! She'd named it Suzy. :rofl:
You could have guessed that I have also named my cars!!Not had one called Suzi.
Has a Smart car called ….. Smartie, then another called Footsie (reg was FTZ)
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