Pump it up?

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Matt Cycle

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After 29 years of injecting insulin and using MDI for the last 28 years I have been fairly happy with it and my control is okay with the expected occasional highs and lows. However, after looking into it and reading the views and experiences of pump users and the positive results nearly all seem to be having with them I'm thinking of asking if I could try one when I have my next review. Hopefully leading to even better control and smoothing out those highs and lows.

A potential issue is that I'm seen by the DN at our surgery rather than a hospital clinic. Whilst it has been convenient for me I'm not sure she would have much experience of anyone using pumps. I think I saw someone mention that you would only get one through a consultant at a hospital clinic. Does anyone know if that is the case and what is the criteria for getting one? Will they allow anyone to have one?
Ah - no - one gets one via a DOCTOR. I don't think they specify which doctor - in fact I know Pumper Sue got hers via her GP cos she's said so several times over the years, but that was yonks ago before they were as common as now.

Have words with (or emails LOL) INPUT.
I had my pump care via GP when I first started pumping and have done so for the last 8 years. Hospital that provided the pump on the say so of the PCT suddenly decided this year at pump renewal that I didn't fit the NICE guidelines and as they didn't control my diabetes they would not provide another pump.

This is all down to a complete and utter female dog of a dsn who's nose is out of joint because she said animal insulin couldn't be used in a pump and I proved her wrong. She even had the cheek to tell me almost 2 years ago she resented paying for my supplies and would make sure I never got another pump.
I played the recording of the conversation to a MS consultant his comment was "stupid cow and she needs to grow up. Obviously you don't meet NICE guidelines and that's because you use your pump correctly."

So complaint went into CCG about the situation and GP was told to buy a replacement pump and charge the CCG for it. 🙂 Which he did so I now have new pump and 6 months of supplies until proper funding is sorted out either via a hospital or individual funding.
The diabetes consultant I saw wrote a very forceful letter to the CCG regarding the funding renewal, suggesting that a legal challenge would be in order if ongoing funding was refused.
So I await the outcome with interest. 🙂
Both, thanks for the info. The INPUT site is great. Reading on there it's looks like it would have to be through a hospital clinic. I wouldn't get one on HbA1c so it would have to be on hypo awareness. I'll have a word with my DN at the next visit and as you recommend TW I'll fire off an e-mail to INPUT.
Have a look at "Love my Pump" on this site. I & others really do. Your figures were good when out for a ride & I know they would be better with a pump. The first month or so Is a learning time but when you get thing sorted for yourself good. If you wanted to go out on bike now you would just put a temp basal on & away you go 😎. A quiet day (sitting all day) temp basal as well.
Good grief, Sue! - no idea you STILL had that much trouble!

She clearly hasn't a clue about endocrinology (I mean - D and Addisons, what a cocktail of doom, to anyone without a brain?), that woman - WTF is she doing in THAT job?
Good grief, Sue! - no idea you STILL had that much trouble!

She clearly hasn't a clue about endocrinology (I mean - D and Addisons, what a cocktail of doom, to anyone without a brain?), that woman - WTF is she doing in THAT job?
The question has been asked regarding her job status.
GP wrote to CCG and actually put it in writing that this madam was extremely vindictive towards me.
This situation happens at each renewal of pump. It's extremely spiteful to say the least.
Bottom line is she can't cause any more problems because a consultant at another hospital has told the CCG he will have me in his clinic and funding needs to be continued.
I think what sucks more than anything this so called nurse hasn't the guts to do her own dirty work she uses another person so it looks as if she is squeaky clean. Unwitting puppet having strings pulled springs to mind.
Obviously I wont be naming the hospitals concerned 🙂
I got mine through my GP surgery DN. She has now left and her replacement is clueless about pumps so I would have had no chance of getting one via her. I'm glad the previous nurse was so aware.
I got mine through my GP surgery DN. She has now left and her replacement is clueless about pumps so I would have had no chance of getting one via her. I'm glad the previous nurse was so aware.
When you say you had your pump via the GP nurse, did you have to attend a hospital to start the pump or did the GP nurse sort it all out and who set it up initially? How do you get your supplies?
I had to go to the hospital to get started with the pump. The hospital set up an account with Roche for me and I phone my order through to them. It's then all delivered to work for me. It works well.
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