pump insurance

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i've been looking for pump insurance come pump day

do most of you insure your pump?

my house insurance wont cover my pump so i dont know where to look for insurance.

can anyone advise of who is good to use?
Its strange your house/contents cover doesn't allow it, even for a higher payment?

I cant recommend anyone as my home policy accepted the pump........

your team may provide you with options........
Its strange your house/contents cover doesn't allow it, even for a higher payment?

I cant recommend anyone as my home policy accepted the pump........

your team may provide you with options........

I was enquring about adding something on to it as a named item & mentioned the pump, they won't touch it even for a higher fee.

So just wondered if people did insure it or not & if so who through.

Your lucky!
it's really odd that your insurance company won't accept it as all insurers ive looked at do a 'high value excess' type section, which covers an itme of high value in and out of your home. I'm with AA and they insured my contents for ?60 but then when i added the pump it cost nearly that much too!

I'd check around for other insurance companies. People should do that anyway as insurers make loads of people that don't ditch and switch.
My home insurance people were happy too (for a small extra premium).

There are pump insurance offers but from what I can gather you need to check the wording quite carefully to ensure that you will get a 'like for like' replacement in case of loss or theft - you wouldn't want 'a' pump as a replacement... it would need to be the same manufacturer and type as the one you had before.
bugger, havnt even thought of that with my new pump, will have to phone my insurance people to see if they will do it.
I did some searching & for ?6.99 a month insurance for insulin pumps cover you for ?3,500 value. 90 days abroad, theft, accidental damage etc
Can you lucky ones that have your pump covered on the house insurance name names? It will save such as me having to trawl the companies to ask if they do. When I asked my insurance company they said they didn't cover it and would cancel my existing policy. After much to-ing and fro-ing I agreed to sign a document that I would cover the pump risk myself (which I had told them I would do from the start). They have just sent me a renewal quote including the pump at an extra amount of £250!
Mine is covered as Personal Possessions - Specified Items as detailed - the name of pump etc for £3000 - the price I was told to insure it for by the pump clinic - with Direct Line - it is in with my buildings and contents insurance.

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