Pump information? - Adam0606

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi could u help me plz I have look in the the pump but my doctors don't now anything about them and keep tell me that there not in our area yet how can that be when they are in other area just a few mile down the road
Hi could u help me plz I have look in the the pump but my doctors don't now anything about them and keep tell me that there not in our area yet how can that be when they are in other area just a few mile down the road

Hi Adam, pumps are very rarely, if ever, made available for Type 2 diabetics. They tend to be more useful for people with Type 1 diabetes who generally have much lower insulin dose requirements and need more fine-tuning than a Type 2. As funding is very limited (they are very expensive items) there simply aren't enough around and many people find them difficult to get even if they would really benefit from them. A GP would rarely be in a position to prescribe them, and would therefore not know much about them. They are usually prescribed by specialist consultants.
Here you go Adam plenty of info here. http://www.inputdiabetes.org.uk/
As northerner sys it's very rare for someone with type 2 diabetes to be allowed to have a pump.
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