Pump info

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can anyone out there recommend a good book on pumping? I do have one, but being an American book, all bgs are in the American format. If there was an english author who has written a guide, I would find it easier to follow, re calculations, etc. Your advice and help would be very much appreciated!
blood glucose unit converter webpage

The exact page you want is http://www.insulin-pumpers.org.uk/bgconverter/

I typed out a small table, double sided, about the side of a credit card and covered it in clear sticky backed plastic (or could laminate if you have access to a machine and the right size laminating sheets). I keep one card in each blood glucose monitor pouch / box. I've never used it for myself, but it was useful when a Chilean man (with a broken leg and Type 2 diabetes) and a Royal Navy doctor needed to communicate with each other - they asked me to help with interpreptting Spanish / medical terminology, but for once, my diabetes meant I could be extra useful.
The Bible for insulin pumping is
Pumping insulin by John Walsh.
It is American but does have all the UK measurements in brackets.
I have the 4th eddition. So don't know if that makes any dif.
There is also another book on amazon which has a British author. I have no idea what the book is like though.
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